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facebook-status-item.tpl.php in Drupal Commons 6.2

Displays individual status updates.

See for a list of default variables.

Other variables available:

  • $sid: The status message ID
  • $meta: Information about the context of the status message, like "In response to [recipient]"
  • $self: Whether the status is an update to the sender's own status
  • $page: Whether the status is being displayed on its own page
  • $type: The recipient type
  • $recipient: The recipient object
  • $recipient_name: The (safe) recipient name
  • $recipient_link: A link to the recipient
  • $recipient_picture: The recipient's picture, if applicable
  • $sender: The sender object
  • $sender_name: The (safe) sender name
  • $sender_link: A themed link to the sender
  • $sender_picture: The sender's picture
  • $created: The themed message created time
  • $message: The themed status message
  • $links: Status links (edit/delete/respond/share)
  • $status: The status object
  • $context: The context array

If the Facebook-style Statuses Comments module is enabled, these variables are also available:

  • $comments: Comments on the relevant status plus the form to leave a comment

If the Facebook-style Statuses Private Statuses module is enabled, these variables are also available:

  • $private: Whether the status update is private or not
  • $private_text: The translated version of either "Private" or "Public"

If the (third-party) Facebook-style Micropublisher module is enabled, these variables are also available:

  • $attachment: The themed attachment to the status update

Other modules may add additional variables.


View source

 * @file
 *   Displays individual status updates.
 * See for a list of default variables.
 * Other variables available:
 * - $sid: The status message ID
 * - $meta: Information about the context of the status message, like "In response to [recipient]"
 * - $self: Whether the status is an update to the sender's own status
 * - $page: Whether the status is being displayed on its own page
 * - $type: The recipient type
 * - $recipient: The recipient object
 * - $recipient_name: The (safe) recipient name
 * - $recipient_link: A link to the recipient
 * - $recipient_picture: The recipient's picture, if applicable
 * - $sender: The sender object
 * - $sender_name: The (safe) sender name
 * - $sender_link: A themed link to the sender
 * - $sender_picture: The sender's picture
 * - $created: The themed message created time
 * - $message: The themed status message
 * - $links: Status links (edit/delete/respond/share)
 * - $status: The status object
 * - $context: The context array
 * If the Facebook-style Statuses Comments module is enabled, these variables
 * are also available:
 * - $comments: Comments on the relevant status plus the form to leave a comment
 * If the Facebook-style Statuses Private Statuses module is enabled, these
 * variables are also available:
 * - $private: Whether the status update is private or not
 * - $private_text: The translated version of either "Private" or "Public"
 * If the (third-party) Facebook-style Micropublisher module is enabled, these
 * variables are also available:
 * - $attachment: The themed attachment to the status update
 * Other modules may add additional variables.
<div id="facebook-status-item-<?php

echo $sid;
?>" class="facebook-status-item facebook-status-media facebook-status-type-<?php

echo $type;
if ($self) {
  ?> facebook-status-self-update<?php

if ($page) {
  ?> facebook-status-page<?php

if ($private) {
  ?> facebook-status-private<?php


if (!empty($sender_picture)) {
    <div class="facebook-status-sender-picture user-picture"><?php

  echo $sender_picture;

    <div class="content">

if (!empty($sender_link)) {
        <div class="facebook-status-sender"><?php

  echo $sender_link;

  if ($recipient_link) {
          &raquo; <span class="facebook-status-recipient"><?php

    echo $recipient_link;



if (!empty($private)) {
        <div class="facebook-status-private-text"><?php

  echo $private_text;

      <div class="facebook-status-content"><?php

echo $message;

if (!empty($attachment)) {
        <div class="fbsmp clearfix"><?php

  echo $attachment;


if (!empty($created) || !empty($meta) || !empty($links)) {
        <div class="facebook-status-details">

  if (!empty($links)) {
            <div class="facebook-status-links"><?php

    echo $links;


  if (!empty($created)) {
            <div class="facebook-status-time">

    if (!$page) {
                <a href="<?php

      echo $status_url;


    echo $created;

    if (!$page) {




if (!empty($comments)) {
        <div class="facebook-status-comments"><?php

  echo $comments;
