You are here in Drupal Commons 7.3

;----------// Theme Information

  name        = Commons Origins
  description = The default theme for <a href="">Drupal Commons 3.x</a>.
  core        = 7.x
  base theme  = adaptivetheme
  release     = 7.x-3.x
  engine      = phptemplate
  screenshot  = screenshot.png

;----------// Stylesheets

  ; See each stylesheet for extensive documentation and help.
  stylesheets[screen][] = css/global.base.css
  stylesheets[screen][] = css/global.styles.css

  ; Print - uncomment to load basic print styles.
  stylesheets[print][] = css/print.css

  ; Internet Explorer Stylesheets
  ; AT can load stylesheets in conditional comments from the info file.
  ; Syntax: ie_stylesheets[media][condition][] = path/to/file (path must be
  ; relative to your theme root)
  ; For example if you want to load a stylesheet just for IE7 use the
  ; following (note: you need to create "ie7.css" in the /css/ directory):
  ; ie_stylesheets[screen][IE 7][] = css/ie7.css
  ; By default the sub-theme has one IE stylesheet which loads for
  ; "less than IE9" but "not IEMobile 7".
  ; Uncomment the following to use the included IE styleseet:

  ie_stylesheets[screen][(lt IE 9)&(!IEMobile 7)][] = css/lt-ie9.css

  ; Unset Module CSS or other Stylesheets
  ; In your theme settings you can unset many stylesheets using the Unset CSS
  ; Extension. If for some reason the file you want to unset is not showing,
  ; you can explicitly declare it here. Once you have finished adding your
  ; declarations you must clear the sites cache, then go to your theme settings
  ; and check the checkbox for the file, then save the theme settings and the
  ; file will be unset thereafter.
  ; Follow the syntax:
  ; unset_css[path/to/css/file.css] = 1
  ; For example to unset foobar_module.css you might use something like this:

  ; unset_css[sites/all/modules/foobar_module/foobar_module.css] = 1

;-----------// Breakpoints

  breakpoints[Commons small portrait] = only screen and (max-width:320px)
  breakpoints[Commons small landscape] = only screen and (min-width:321px) and (max-width:480px)
  breakpoints[Commons medium portrait] = only screen and (min-width:481px) and (max-width:768px)
  breakpoints[Commons medium landscape] = only screen and (min-width:769px) and (max-width:934px
  breakpoints[Commons large] = only screen and (min-width:935px)

;----------// Scripts

  scripts[] = scripts/modernizr.js
  scripts[] = scripts/syze.min.js
  scripts[] = scripts/commons_origins.js

  ; Internet Explorer Scripts
  ; AT can load scripts in conditional comments from the info file. If you are
  ; planning to use a polyfill be sure to check the "Settings" tab in theme
  ; settings for existing Polyfills.
  ; Syntax: ie_scripts[condition][] = path/to/file (path must be relative to your
  ; theme root)
  ; For example if you want to load a script just for IE 8 and below use the
  ; following as a guide:

  ; ie_scripts[lte IE 8][] = js/my-script.js

;----------// Regions

  regions[sidebar_first]     = Sidebar first
  regions[sidebar_second]    = Sidebar second
  regions[content]           = Main Content
  regions[highlighted]       = Highlighted
  regions[content_aside]     = Aside
  regions[secondary_content] = Secondary
  regions[tertiary_content]  = Tertiary
  regions[footer]            = Footer
  regions[header]            = Header
  regions[menu_bar]          = Menu Bar
  regions[help]              = Help
  regions[page_top]          = Page top
  regions[page_bottom]       = Page bottom

;----------// Gpanel Regions

  ; If you are using Gpanels copy and paste the region definitions here. You
  ; will find them in each layout PHP file in adaptivetheme/layouts/gpanels

;----------// Custom Page Layout Plugins

  ; Don't uncomment this unless you are actually developing a page layout
  ; plugin, it will add a layout to all device groups that does little else
  ; except provide and example page_layout plugin.

  ; plugins[page_layout][layouts] = custom_layouts

;----------// Site Features

  features[] = logo
  features[] = name
  features[] = slogan
  features[] = node_user_picture
  features[] = comment_user_picture
  features[] = comment_user_verification
  features[] = favicon
  features[] = main_menu
  features[] = secondary_menu

;----------// Theme Settings

  ; Layout settings - Standard layout
  settings[bigscreen_layout]         = 'three_col_grail'
  settings[bigscreen_page_unit]      = 'px'
  settings[bigscreen_sidebar_unit]   = 'px'
  settings[bigscreen_max_width_unit] = 'px'
  settings[bigscreen_page_width]     = 935
  settings[bigscreen_sidebar_first]  = 285
  settings[bigscreen_sidebar_second] = 285
  settings[bigscreen_set_max_width]  = 1
  settings[bigscreen_max_width]      = 935
  settings[bigscreen_media_query]    = 'only screen and (min-width:935px)'

  ; Layout settings - Tablet landscape
  settings[tablet_landscape_layout]         = 'three_col_grail'
  settings[tablet_landscape_page_unit]      = '%'
  settings[tablet_landscape_sidebar_unit]   = '%'
  settings[tablet_landscape_page_width]     = 100
  settings[tablet_landscape_sidebar_first]  = 20
  settings[tablet_landscape_sidebar_second] = 20
  settings[tablet_landscape_media_query]    = 'only screen and (min-width:769px) and (max-width:934px)'

  ; Layout settings - Tablet portrait
  settings[tablet_portrait_layout]         = 'one_col_vert'
  settings[tablet_portrait_page_unit]      = '%'
  settings[tablet_portrait_sidebar_unit]   = '%'
  settings[tablet_portrait_page_width]     = 100
  settings[tablet_portrait_sidebar_first]  = 50
  settings[tablet_portrait_sidebar_second] = 50
  settings[tablet_portrait_media_query]    = 'only screen and (min-width:481px) and (max-width:768px)'

  ; Layout settings - Smartphone landscape
  settings[smartphone_landscape_layout]         = 'one_col_vert'
  settings[smartphone_landscape_page_unit]      = '%'
  settings[smartphone_landscape_sidebar_unit]   = '%'
  settings[smartphone_landscape_page_width]     = 100
  settings[smartphone_landscape_sidebar_first]  = 50
  settings[smartphone_landscape_sidebar_second] = 50
  settings[smartphone_landscape_media_query]    = 'only screen and (min-width:321px) and (max-width:480px)'

  ; Layout settings - Smartphone portrait
  settings[smartphone_portrait_layout]         = 'one_col_stack'
  settings[smartphone_portrait_page_unit]      = '%'
  settings[smartphone_portrait_sidebar_unit]   = '%'
  settings[smartphone_portrait_page_width]     = 100
  settings[smartphone_portrait_sidebar_first]  = 100
  settings[smartphone_portrait_sidebar_second] = 100
  settings[smartphone_portrait_media_query]    = 'only screen and (max-width:320px)'

  ; Responsive Panels - Standard layout
  settings[bigscreen_two_50]            = 'two-50'
  settings[bigscreen_two_33_66]         = 'two-33-66'
  settings[bigscreen_two_66_33]         = 'two-66-33'
  settings[bigscreen_two_brick]         = 'two-brick'
  settings[bigscreen_three_3x33]        = 'three-3x33'
  settings[bigscreen_three_25_50_25]    = 'three-25-50-25'
  settings[bigscreen_three_25_25_50]    = 'three-25-25-50'
  settings[bigscreen_three_50_25_25]    = 'three-50-25-25'
  settings[bigscreen_four_4x25]         = 'four-4x25'
  settings[bigscreen_five_5x20]         = 'five-5x20-2x3-grid'
  settings[bigscreen_six_6x16]          = 'six-6x16-3x2-grid'
  settings[bigscreen_three_inset_left]  = 'three-inset-left'
  settings[bigscreen_three_inset_right] = 'three-inset-right'

  ; Responsive Panels - Tablet landscape
  settings[tablet_landscape_two_50]            = 'two-50'
  settings[tablet_landscape_two_33_66]         = 'two-33-66'
  settings[tablet_landscape_two_66_33]         = 'two-66-33'
  settings[tablet_landscape_two_brick]         = 'two-brick'
  settings[tablet_landscape_three_3x33]        = 'three-3x33'
  settings[tablet_landscape_three_25_50_25]    = 'three-25-50-25'
  settings[tablet_landscape_three_25_25_50]    = 'three-25-25-50'
  settings[tablet_landscape_three_50_25_25]    = 'three-50-25-25'
  settings[tablet_landscape_four_4x25]         = 'four-4x25'
  settings[tablet_landscape_five_5x20]         = 'five-5x20-2x3-grid'
  settings[tablet_landscape_six_6x16]          = 'six-6x16-3x2-grid'
  settings[tablet_landscape_three_inset_left]  = 'three-inset-left'
  settings[tablet_landscape_three_inset_right] = 'three-inset-right'

  ; Responsive Panels - Tablet portrait
  settings[tablet_portrait_two_50]            = 'two-50'
  settings[tablet_portrait_two_33_66]         = 'two-33-66'
  settings[tablet_portrait_two_66_33]         = 'two-66-33'
  settings[tablet_portrait_two_brick]         = 'two-brick'
  settings[tablet_portrait_three_3x33]        = 'three-3x33-stack-top'
  settings[tablet_portrait_three_25_50_25]    = 'three-25-50-25-stack-top'
  settings[tablet_portrait_three_25_25_50]    = 'three-25-25-50-stack-top'
  settings[tablet_portrait_three_50_25_25]    = 'three-50-25-25-stack-top'
  settings[tablet_portrait_four_4x25]         = 'four-4x25-2x2-grid'
  settings[tablet_portrait_five_5x20]         = 'five-5x20-1x2x2-grid'
  settings[tablet_portrait_six_6x16]          = 'six-6x16-2x3-grid'
  settings[tablet_portrait_three_inset_left]  = 'three-inset-left-wrap'
  settings[tablet_portrait_three_inset_right] = 'three-inset-right-wrap'

  ; Responsive Panels - Smartphone landscape
  settings[smartphone_landscape_two_50]            = 'two-50-stack'
  settings[smartphone_landscape_two_33_66]         = 'two-33-66-stack'
  settings[smartphone_landscape_two_66_33]         = 'two-66-33-stack'
  settings[smartphone_landscape_two_brick]         = 'two-brick-stack'
  settings[smartphone_landscape_three_3x33]        = 'three-3x33-stack'
  settings[smartphone_landscape_three_25_50_25]    = 'three-25-50-25-stack'
  settings[smartphone_landscape_three_25_25_50]    = 'three-25-25-50-stack'
  settings[smartphone_landscape_three_50_25_25]    = 'three-50-25-25-stack'
  settings[smartphone_landscape_four_4x25]         = 'four-4x25-stack'
  settings[smartphone_landscape_five_5x20]         = 'five-5x20-stack'
  settings[smartphone_landscape_six_6x16]          = 'six-6x16-stack'
  settings[smartphone_landscape_three_inset_left]  = 'three-inset-left-stack'
  settings[smartphone_landscape_three_inset_right] = 'three-inset-right-stack'

  ; CSS
  settings[disable_responsive_styles]     = 0
  settings[enable_custom_media_queries]   = 1
  settings[global_default_layout]         = 'smartphone-portrait'
  settings[global_default_layout_toggle]  = 0
  settings[global_files_path]             = 'public_files'

  ; Polyfills
  settings[load_html5js]       = 1
  settings[load_respondjs]     = 0
  settings[load_ltie8css]      = 0
  settings[load_scalefixjs]    = 0

  ; Debug
  settings[expose_regions]              = 0
  settings[load_all_panels]             = 0
  settings[load_all_panels_no_sidebars] = 0
  settings[show_window_size]            = 0
  settings[rebuild_theme_data]          = 0

  ; Enable extensions
  settings[enable_extensions]          = 0
  settings[enable_font_settings]       = 0
  settings[enable_heading_settings]    = 0
  settings[enable_image_settings]      = 0
  settings[enable_apple_touch_icons]   = 0
  settings[enable_exclude_css]         = 0
  settings[enable_custom_css]          = 0
  settings[enable_context_regions]     = 0
  settings[enable_float_region_blocks] = 0
  settings[enable_markup_overides]     = 0

  ; Font type
  settings[base_font_type]           = '<none>'
  settings[site_name_font_type]      = '<none>'
  settings[site_slogan_font_type]    = '<none>'
  settings[page_title_font_type]     = '<none>'
  settings[node_title_font_type]     = '<none>'
  settings[comment_title_font_type]  = '<none>'
  settings[block_title_font_type]    = '<none>'
  settings[main_menu_font_type]      = '<none>'
  settings[secondary_menu_font_type] = '<none>'
  settings[block_menu_font_type]     = '<none>'
  settings[selectors_font_type]      = '<none>'
  settings[content_headings_h1h4_font_type] = '<none>'
  settings[content_headings_h5h6_font_type] = '<none>'

  ; Font size
  settings[base_font_size]           = '<none>'
  settings[site_name_font_size]      = '<none>'
  settings[site_slogan_font_size]    = '<none>'
  settings[page_title_font_size]     = '<none>'
  settings[node_title_font_size]     = '<none>'
  settings[comment_title_font_size]  = '<none>'
  settings[block_title_font_size]    = '<none>'
  settings[main_menu_font_size]      = '<none>'
  settings[secondary_menu_font_size] = '<none>'
  settings[block_menu_font_size]     = '<none>'

  ; Font size heading levels
  settings[h1_font_size] = '2em'
  settings[h2_font_size] = '1.6em'
  settings[h3_font_size] = '1.4em'
  settings[h4_font_size] = '1.2em'
  settings[h5_font_size] = '1em'
  settings[h6_font_size] = '1em'

  ; Page title
  settings[page_title_case]      = 'ptc-n'
  settings[page_title_weight]    = 'ptw-b'
  settings[page_title_alignment] = 'pta-l'
  settings[page_title_shadow]    = 'pts-n'

  ; Node title
  settings[node_title_case]      = 'ntc-n'
  settings[node_title_weight]    = 'ntw-b'
  settings[node_title_alignment] = 'nta-l'
  settings[node_title_shadow]    = 'nts-n'

  ; Comment title
  settings[comment_title_case]      = 'ctc-n'
  settings[comment_title_weight]    = 'ctw-b'
  settings[comment_title_alignment] = 'cta-l'
  settings[comment_title_shadow]    = 'cts-n'

  ; Block title
  settings[block_title_case]      = 'btc-n'
  settings[block_title_weight]    = 'btw-b'
  settings[block_title_alignment] = 'bta-l'
  settings[block_title_shadow]    = 'bts-n'

  ; Images
  settings[image_alignment]        = 'ia-n'
  settings[image_alignment_teaser] = 'iat-n'
  settings[image_caption_full]     = 0
  settings[image_caption_teaser]   = 0
  settings[image_teaser]           = 0

  ; Breadcrumb
  settings[breadcrumb_display]   = 1
  settings[breadcrumb_home]      = 0
  settings[breadcrumb_label]     = 0
  settings[breadcrumb_title]     = 0
  settings[breadcrumb_separator] = ' &#187; '

  ; Login block options
  settings[horizontal_login_block_enable] = 'on'
  settings[horizontal_login_block]    = 0
  settings[login_block_remove_links]  = 0
  settings[login_block_remove_openid] = 0

  ; Design
  settings[global_gutter_width]           = ''
  settings[page_full_width_wrappers]      = 0
  settings[page_content_type_suggestions] = 0
  settings[menu_item_span_elements]       = 0

  ; Extra CSS classes
  settings[extra_page_classes]      = 1
  settings[extra_article_classes]   = 1
  settings[extra_comment_classes]   = 1
  settings[extra_block_classes]     = 1
  settings[extra_menu_classes]      = 1
  settings[extra_item_list_classes] = 1

  ; Remove or Hide
  settings[comments_hide_title]           = 0
  settings[feed_icons]                    = 0
  settings[unset_block_system_main_front] = 0
  settings[unset_menu_titles]             = 0

  ; Accessibility
  settings[skip_link_target] = '#main-content'
  settings[adv_search_extra_fieldsets] = 0

  ; SEO
  settings[rel_author] = 0

  ; Mobile metatags
  settings[mobile_friendly_metatags] = 1
  settings[adaptivetheme_meta_viewport] = 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1'
  settings[adaptivetheme_meta_mobileoptimized]  = 'width'
  settings[adaptivetheme_meta_handheldfriendly] = 'true'
  settings[adaptivetheme_meta_apple_mobile_web_app_capable] = 'yes'
  settings[chrome_edge] = 1
  settings[clear_type]  = 1

  ; Touch icons
  settings[apple_touch_icon_enable] = 0
  settings[apple_touch_icon_path_l] = 'images/touch-icon-l.png'
  settings[apple_touch_icon_path_m] = 'images/touch-icon-m.png'
  settings[apple_touch_icon_path_h] = 'images/touch-icon-h.png'

  ; Custom CSS
  settings[custom_css] = ''



View source
  1. ;----------// Theme Information
  2. name = Commons Origins
  3. description = The default theme for Drupal Commons 3.x.
  4. core = 7.x
  5. base theme = adaptivetheme
  6. release = 7.x-3.x
  7. engine = phptemplate
  8. screenshot = screenshot.png
  9. ;----------// Stylesheets
  10. ; See each stylesheet for extensive documentation and help.
  11. stylesheets[screen][] = css/global.base.css
  12. stylesheets[screen][] = css/global.styles.css
  13. ; Print - uncomment to load basic print styles.
  14. stylesheets[print][] = css/print.css
  15. ; Internet Explorer Stylesheets
  16. ;
  17. ; AT can load stylesheets in conditional comments from the info file.
  18. ;
  19. ; Syntax: ie_stylesheets[media][condition][] = path/to/file (path must be
  20. ; relative to your theme root)
  21. ;
  22. ; For example if you want to load a stylesheet just for IE7 use the
  23. ; following (note: you need to create "ie7.css" in the /css/ directory):
  24. ; ie_stylesheets[screen][IE 7][] = css/ie7.css
  25. ;
  26. ; By default the sub-theme has one IE stylesheet which loads for
  27. ; "less than IE9" but "not IEMobile 7".
  28. ; Uncomment the following to use the included IE styleseet:
  29. ie_stylesheets[screen][(lt IE 9)&(!IEMobile 7)][] = css/lt-ie9.css
  30. ; Unset Module CSS or other Stylesheets
  31. ;
  32. ; In your theme settings you can unset many stylesheets using the Unset CSS
  33. ; Extension. If for some reason the file you want to unset is not showing,
  34. ; you can explicitly declare it here. Once you have finished adding your
  35. ; declarations you must clear the sites cache, then go to your theme settings
  36. ; and check the checkbox for the file, then save the theme settings and the
  37. ; file will be unset thereafter.
  38. ;
  39. ; Follow the syntax:
  40. ;
  41. ; unset_css[path/to/css/file.css] = 1
  42. ;
  43. ; For example to unset foobar_module.css you might use something like this:
  44. ; unset_css[sites/all/modules/foobar_module/foobar_module.css] = 1
  45. ;-----------// Breakpoints
  46. breakpoints[Commons small portrait] = only screen and (max-width:320px)
  47. breakpoints[Commons small landscape] = only screen and (min-width:321px) and (max-width:480px)
  48. breakpoints[Commons medium portrait] = only screen and (min-width:481px) and (max-width:768px)
  49. breakpoints[Commons medium landscape] = only screen and (min-width:769px) and (max-width:934px
  50. breakpoints[Commons large] = only screen and (min-width:935px)
  51. ;----------// Scripts
  52. scripts[] = scripts/modernizr.js
  53. scripts[] = scripts/syze.min.js
  54. scripts[] = scripts/commons_origins.js
  55. ; Internet Explorer Scripts
  56. ;
  57. ; AT can load scripts in conditional comments from the info file. If you are
  58. ; planning to use a polyfill be sure to check the "Settings" tab in theme
  59. ; settings for existing Polyfills.
  60. ;
  61. ; Syntax: ie_scripts[condition][] = path/to/file (path must be relative to your
  62. ; theme root)
  63. ;
  64. ; For example if you want to load a script just for IE 8 and below use the
  65. ; following as a guide:
  66. ; ie_scripts[lte IE 8][] = js/my-script.js
  67. ;----------// Regions
  68. regions[sidebar_first] = Sidebar first
  69. regions[sidebar_second] = Sidebar second
  70. regions[content] = Main Content
  71. regions[highlighted] = Highlighted
  72. regions[content_aside] = Aside
  73. regions[secondary_content] = Secondary
  74. regions[tertiary_content] = Tertiary
  75. regions[footer] = Footer
  76. regions[header] = Header
  77. regions[menu_bar] = Menu Bar
  78. regions[help] = Help
  79. regions[page_top] = Page top
  80. regions[page_bottom] = Page bottom
  81. ;----------// Gpanel Regions
  82. ; If you are using Gpanels copy and paste the region definitions here. You
  83. ; will find them in each layout PHP file in adaptivetheme/layouts/gpanels
  84. ;----------// Custom Page Layout Plugins
  85. ; Don't uncomment this unless you are actually developing a page layout
  86. ; plugin, it will add a layout to all device groups that does little else
  87. ; except provide and example page_layout plugin.
  88. ; plugins[page_layout][layouts] = custom_layouts
  89. ;----------// Site Features
  90. features[] = logo
  91. features[] = name
  92. features[] = slogan
  93. features[] = node_user_picture
  94. features[] = comment_user_picture
  95. features[] = comment_user_verification
  96. features[] = favicon
  97. features[] = main_menu
  98. features[] = secondary_menu
  99. ;----------// Theme Settings
  100. ; Layout settings - Standard layout
  101. settings[bigscreen_layout] = 'three_col_grail'
  102. settings[bigscreen_page_unit] = 'px'
  103. settings[bigscreen_sidebar_unit] = 'px'
  104. settings[bigscreen_max_width_unit] = 'px'
  105. settings[bigscreen_page_width] = 935
  106. settings[bigscreen_sidebar_first] = 285
  107. settings[bigscreen_sidebar_second] = 285
  108. settings[bigscreen_set_max_width] = 1
  109. settings[bigscreen_max_width] = 935
  110. settings[bigscreen_media_query] = 'only screen and (min-width:935px)'
  111. ; Layout settings - Tablet landscape
  112. settings[tablet_landscape_layout] = 'three_col_grail'
  113. settings[tablet_landscape_page_unit] = '%'
  114. settings[tablet_landscape_sidebar_unit] = '%'
  115. settings[tablet_landscape_page_width] = 100
  116. settings[tablet_landscape_sidebar_first] = 20
  117. settings[tablet_landscape_sidebar_second] = 20
  118. settings[tablet_landscape_media_query] = 'only screen and (min-width:769px) and (max-width:934px)'
  119. ; Layout settings - Tablet portrait
  120. settings[tablet_portrait_layout] = 'one_col_vert'
  121. settings[tablet_portrait_page_unit] = '%'
  122. settings[tablet_portrait_sidebar_unit] = '%'
  123. settings[tablet_portrait_page_width] = 100
  124. settings[tablet_portrait_sidebar_first] = 50
  125. settings[tablet_portrait_sidebar_second] = 50
  126. settings[tablet_portrait_media_query] = 'only screen and (min-width:481px) and (max-width:768px)'
  127. ; Layout settings - Smartphone landscape
  128. settings[smartphone_landscape_layout] = 'one_col_vert'
  129. settings[smartphone_landscape_page_unit] = '%'
  130. settings[smartphone_landscape_sidebar_unit] = '%'
  131. settings[smartphone_landscape_page_width] = 100
  132. settings[smartphone_landscape_sidebar_first] = 50
  133. settings[smartphone_landscape_sidebar_second] = 50
  134. settings[smartphone_landscape_media_query] = 'only screen and (min-width:321px) and (max-width:480px)'
  135. ; Layout settings - Smartphone portrait
  136. settings[smartphone_portrait_layout] = 'one_col_stack'
  137. settings[smartphone_portrait_page_unit] = '%'
  138. settings[smartphone_portrait_sidebar_unit] = '%'
  139. settings[smartphone_portrait_page_width] = 100
  140. settings[smartphone_portrait_sidebar_first] = 100
  141. settings[smartphone_portrait_sidebar_second] = 100
  142. settings[smartphone_portrait_media_query] = 'only screen and (max-width:320px)'
  143. ; Responsive Panels - Standard layout
  144. settings[bigscreen_two_50] = 'two-50'
  145. settings[bigscreen_two_33_66] = 'two-33-66'
  146. settings[bigscreen_two_66_33] = 'two-66-33'
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