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commons-origins-notes.txt in Drupal Commons 7.3

For now, you need to go into appearance and click settings for the Commons Origins theme and then just save the setting form. Until we come up with a way to set the theme settings progmatically, this is what needs to be done.

- Main Menu
  - Home link gets class .main-menu-home (using module Menu Attributes -
  - Groups link gets class .main-menu-groups (using module Menu Attributes -
  - Events link gets class .main-menu-events (using module Menu Attributes -
  - Mennu is generated by menu_block and the block is assigned to the menu bar region

- Search
  - the search bar is assigned to the header region

- Adding a new pane
  If you want your new pane to have the white "pod" look as other areas of Commons, simply give it a class of .commons-pod in the pane creation/edit page and it will have the look consistant with the rest of the site.


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  1. For now, you need to go into appearance and click settings for the Commons Origins theme and then just save the setting form. Until we come up with a way to set the theme settings progmatically, this is what needs to be done.
  2. - Main Menu
  3. - Home link gets class .main-menu-home (using module Menu Attributes -
  4. - Groups link gets class .main-menu-groups (using module Menu Attributes -
  5. - Events link gets class .main-menu-events (using module Menu Attributes -
  6. - Mennu is generated by menu_block and the block is assigned to the menu bar region
  7. - Search
  8. - the search bar is assigned to the header region
  9. - Adding a new pane
  10. If you want your new pane to have the white "pod" look as other areas of Commons, simply give it a class of .commons-pod in the pane creation/edit page and it will have the look consistant with the rest of the site.