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behat.template.yml in Drupal Commons 7.3



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  1. imports:
  2. - behat.common.yml
  3. default:
  4. extensions:
  5. Behat\MinkExtension:
  6. # Set 'base_url' to the URL to view your Drupal site.
  7. # For example:
  8. base_url: '@BASE_URL@'
  9. files_path: './profiles/commons/tests'
  10. Drupal\DrupalExtension:
  11. text:
  12. username_field: 'E-mail'
  13. password_field: 'Password'
  14. drush:
  15. # Set 'root' to the full path to your Drupal code base.
  16. # For example: '/var/www/drupal'
  17. root: '@DRUPAL_ROOT@'
  18. drupal:
  19. # Same as 'root' above!
  20. drupal_root: '@DRUPAL_ROOT@'
  21. # Look in the profile modules directory and pull in module subcontexts.
  22. subcontexts:
  23. paths:
  24. - "./profiles/commons"