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commons_reputation.module in Drupal Commons 6.2


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include_once '';

 * Implementation of hook_views_pre_view()
function commons_reputation_views_pre_view(&$view, &$display_id, &$args) {
  switch ($view->name) {
    case 'most_active_users':
      if (user_access('view userpoints')) {
          ->override_option('footer', l(t('View all users'), 'userpoints'));

 * Implementation of hook_enable()
function commons_reputation_enable() {

  // See if user points is enabled
  if (module_exists('facebook_status')) {

    // Enable the integration between status streams and userpoints

 * Implementation of hook_commons_profile_action_links_alter()
function commons_reputation_commons_profile_action_links_alter(&$links, $account) {
  global $user;

  // Fetch the user's point total
  $points = userpoints_get_current_points($account->uid, 'all');

  // Add the user's points
  $links['userpoints'] = array(
    'title' => t('Points: !points', array(
      '!points' => $points,

  // Fetch the user's badges
  // It's possible the account hasn't been fully loaded
  if (!isset($account->badges)) {
    $edit = array();
    user_badges_user('load', $edit, $account);

  // Move all the badges into a single variable
  $badges = '';
  foreach ($account->badges as $badge) {
    $badges .= theme('user_badge', $badge, $account);

  // If we have badges to show, add them
  if ($badges) {
    $links['user_badges'] = array(
      'title' => $badges,
      'html' => TRUE,