You are here in Drupal Commons 7.3

name = Commons Follow (Terms)
description = Provides Taxonomy integration for Commons Follow, allowing users to follow individual taxonomy terms.
package = Commons - Building blocks
core = 7.x

dependencies[] = features
dependencies[] = flag
dependencies[] = taxonomy
dependencies[] = views
dependencies[] = views_litepager

features[ctools][] = views:views_default:3.0
features[features_api][] = api:2
features[flag][] = commons_follow_term
features[user_permission][] = flag commons_follow_term
features[user_permission][] = flag email_term
features[user_permission][] = unflag commons_follow_term
features[user_permission][] = unflag email_term
features[views_view][] = commons_follow_taxonomy_term

features_exclude[dependencies][ctools] = ctools


View source
  1. name = Commons Follow (Terms)
  2. description = Provides Taxonomy integration for Commons Follow, allowing users to follow individual taxonomy terms.
  3. package = Commons - Building blocks
  4. core = 7.x
  5. dependencies[] = features
  6. dependencies[] = flag
  7. dependencies[] = taxonomy
  8. dependencies[] = views
  9. dependencies[] = views_litepager
  10. features[ctools][] = views:views_default:3.0
  11. features[features_api][] = api:2
  12. features[flag][] = commons_follow_term
  13. features[user_permission][] = flag commons_follow_term
  14. features[user_permission][] = flag email_term
  15. features[user_permission][] = unflag commons_follow_term
  16. features[user_permission][] = unflag email_term
  17. features[views_view][] = commons_follow_taxonomy_term
  18. features_exclude[dependencies][ctools] = ctools