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commons_content_moderation.module in Drupal Commons 7.3


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 * @file
 * Code for the Commons Content Moderation feature.
include_once '';

 * Implements hook_action_info().
function commons_content_moderation_action_info() {
  return array(
    'commons_content_moderation_delete_node_block_user' => array(
      'type' => 'node',
      'label' => t("Delete content and block author's account."),
      'configurable' => FALSE,
      'behavior' => array(
      'triggers' => array(
    'commons_content_moderation_delete_comment_block_user' => array(
      'type' => 'comment',
      'label' => t("Delete comment and block author's account."),
      'configurable' => FALSE,
      'behavior' => array(
      'triggers' => array(

 * Delete content and block the content author.
 * @param $node
 *   A node object.
 * @param $context
 *   (optional) Array of additional information about what triggered the action.
 *   Not used for this action.
 * @ingroup actions
function commons_content_moderation_delete_node_block_user($node, $context = array()) {

  // Don't block anonymous users or user 1.
  if ($node->uid > 1) {
    $author = user_load($node->uid);

    // Block the user if they aren't already.
    if ($author->status) {
      $author = user_save($author, array(
        'status' => 0,
      watchdog('commons_content_moderation', 'Blocked user %name.', array(
        '%name' => format_username($author),

  // Report the content to Mollom when possible.
  if (module_exists('mollom') && _mollom_flag_access('node', $node)) {
    mollom_data_report('node', $node->nid, 'spam');

  // Delete the node.
  watchdog('commons_content_moderation', 'Deleted @type %title.', array(
    '@type' => node_type_get_name($node),
    '%title' => $node->title,

 * Delete comment and block the comment author.
 * @param $comment
 *   A comment object.
 * @param $context
 *   (optional) Array of additional information about what triggered the action.
 *   Not used for this action.
 * @ingroup actions
function commons_content_moderation_delete_comment_block_user($comment, $context = array()) {

  // Don't block anonymous users or user 1.
  if ($comment->uid > 1) {
    $author = user_load($comment->uid);

    // Block the user if they aren't already.
    if ($author->status) {
      $author = user_save($author, array(
        'status' => 0,
      watchdog('commons_content_moderation', 'Blocked user %name.', array(
        '%name' => format_username($author),

  // Report the content to Mollom when possible.
  if (module_exists('mollom') && _mollom_flag_access('comment', $comment)) {
    mollom_data_report('comment', $comment->cid, 'spam');

  // Delete the comment.
  watchdog('commons_content_moderation', 'Deleted comment %title.', array(
    '%title' => $comment->title,

 * Implements hook_flag_default_flags_alter().
function commons_content_moderation_flag_default_flags_alter(&$flags) {

  // Disable default node and comment abuse flags in favor of Commons-specific
  // flags included with Commons Content Moderation.
  foreach (array(
  ) as $flag_name) {
    if (!empty($flags[$flag_name])) {
      $flags[$flag_name]['status'] = FALSE;

 * Implements hook_views_default_views_alter().
function commons_content_moderation_views_default_views_alter(&$views) {

  // Disable default node and comment abuse views in favor of Commons-specific
  // views included with Commons Content Moderation.
  foreach (array(
  ) as $view_name) {
    if (!empty($views[$view_name])) {
      $views[$view_name]->disabled = TRUE;

 * Implements hook_views_pre_build().
function commons_content_moderation_views_pre_build(&$view) {

  // Disable bulk content moderation operations if the user does not have
  // appropriate access.
  if ($view->name == 'commons_content_moderation_reported_nodes' && !module_exists('actions_permissions') && (!user_access('administer nodes') || !user_access('administer users'))) {

 * Implements hook_views_bulk_operations_form_alter().
function commons_content_moderation_views_bulk_operations_form_alter(&$form, $form_state, $vbo) {

  // Only proceed if the 'delete_node_block_user' operation is available.
  if (!isset($vbo->options['vbo_operations']['action::commons_content_moderation_delete_node_block_user'])) {

  // Notify the user that the deleted content will be reported to Mollom.
  if ($form_state['step'] == 'views_form_views_form' && $vbo->options['vbo_operations']['action::commons_content_moderation_delete_node_block_user']['selected'] == 1) {
    if (module_exists('mollom') && _mollom_access('report to mollom')) {
      $form['mollom_text'] = array(
        '#markup' => '<p>' . t('Deleted content will be reported to Mollom.') . '</p>',