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commerce_wishlist.test in Commerce Wishlist 7.3

Tests for Commerce Wishlist.


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 * @file
 * Tests for Commerce Wishlist.

 * Base class for commerce wishlist tests.
class CommerceWishlistTestBase extends CommerceBaseTestCase {

   * Don't need most of default core modules.
  protected $profile = 'minimal';

   * Dummy commerce_product and related product node.
  protected $product;
  protected $productNode;
  protected $product2;
  protected $productNode2;

   * User accounts for testing.
  protected $storeAdmin;
  protected $storeCustomer;

   * Allows sub-modules to define themselves for setup.
   * @var string
  protected $subModule;

   * Overrides CommerceBaseTestCase::permissionBuilder().
  protected function permissionBuilder($set) {
    $permissions = parent::permissionBuilder($set);
    switch ($set) {
      case 'store admin':
        $permissions[] = 'configure wish lists';
      case 'store customer':
        $permissions[] = 'manage own wish list';
    return $permissions;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function setUp() {

    // Enable all commerce modules + commerce_wishlist.
    $modules = parent::setUpHelper('all');
    $modules[] = 'list';
    $modules[] = 'commerce_wishlist';

    // User creation for different operations.
    $this->storeAdmin = $this
    $this->storeCustomer = $this

    // Create a dummy product.
    $this->product = $this
      ->createDummyProduct('PROD-01', 'Product One', 1000);
    $this->product2 = $this
      ->createDummyProduct('PROD-02', 'Product Two', 2000);

    // Create a dummy product display content type.

    // Create a product display node.
    $this->productNode = $this
    ), 'Product One node');
    $this->productNode2 = $this
    ), 'Product Two node');

    // Set the default country to US.
    variable_set('site_default_country', 'US');

    // Set up the module so that we can see the effects.
    variable_set('commerce_wishlist_element', 'button');
    variable_set('commerce_wishlist_product_types', array(
      'product' => 'product',


 * Testing commerce wishlist UI and functionality.
class CommerceWishlistTest extends CommerceWishlistTestBase {

   * Implementation of getInfo().
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Wish list',
      'description' => 'Test Wish list UI and functionality',
      'group' => 'Commerce Wish list',

   * Test core commerce items.
  public function testCommerceWishlistCore() {
    $states = commerce_order_states();
      ->assertTrue(!empty($states['wishlist']), t('Wish list order state exists.'));
    $statuses = commerce_order_statuses();
      ->assertTrue(!empty($statuses['wishlist']), t('Wish list order status exists.'));

   * Access to Commerce wish list admin.
  public function testCommerceWishlistUi() {

    // Login with store admin.

    // Check the access to the profiles listing.
      ->assertResponse(200, 'The store admin has access to wish list configuration.');
      ->assertField('commerce_wishlist_weight', t('Weight field exists.'));
      ->assertField('commerce_wishlist_element', t('Element field exists.'));
      ->assertField('commerce_wishlist_product_types[product]', t('Product type checkbox exists.'));

    // Login with customer.

    // Check the access to the profiles listing.
      ->assertResponse(403, 'The store customer has no access to wish list configuration.');

    // Test the UI.
      ->drupalGet('user/' . $this->storeCustomer->uid . '/wishlist');
      ->assertResponse(200, 'The customer can access the wish list view.');
      ->assertText('Nothing in your wish list.');

    // Load a product page.
      ->drupalGet('node/' . $this->productNode->uid);

    // Make sure Add to Wishlist is on the page.
      ->assertRaw('Add to Wishlist');

    // Submit the button.
      ->drupalPost('node/' . $this->productNode->uid, array(), t('Add to Wishlist'));

    // Upon refresh, the item should be in our wishlist.
      ->assertText('Already in your wish list.');

    // Make sure our message shows up.
      ->assertRaw(t('Product <em>@product</em> has been added to <a href="@url">your wish list</a>.', array(
      '@product' => $this->product->title,
      '@url' => url('user/' . $this->storeCustomer->uid . '/wishlist', array(
        'absolute' => TRUE,
    )), 'Added to wish list message is present.');

    // Make sure the product is actually in the cart.
      ->drupalGet('user/' . $this->storeCustomer->uid . '/wishlist');

    // Our remove link.

    // This form shouldn't have any form elements in it.
      ->assertNoText('Already in your wishlist.', 'Wish list form elements are not present.');

    // Our product, linked to it's node, should be visible.
      ->assertRaw(l($this->product->title, 'node/' . $this->productNode->nid), 'Item links to the original node.');

    // Remove it from the wishlist.

    // Ensure that there are no items in the wishlist.
      ->assertText('Nothing in your wish list.', 'No more products in the listing.');

   * Anonymous usage of the Wish list module.
  public function testCommerceWishlistAnonymousUi() {

    // Load a product page.
      ->drupalGet('node/' . $this->productNode->nid);

    // Make sure Add to Wishlist is on the page.
      ->assertRaw('Add to Wishlist');

    // Submit the button.
    $edit = array(
      'product_id' => 1,
      ->getUrl(), $edit, t('Add to Wishlist'));
    $message = t('Please <a href="@login">log in</a> or <a href="@register">register</a> to add this product to your wish list.', array(
      '@login' => url('user/login', array(
        'query' => array(
          'destination' => 'node/1',
      '@register' => url('user/register'),
      ->assertRaw($message, t('Error adding to wish list displayed.'));
    $message = t('Product <em>@product</em> has been added to <a href="@url">your wish list</a>.', array(
      '@product' => $this->product->title,
      '@url' => url('user/' . $this->storeCustomer->uid . '/wishlist', array(
        'absolute' => TRUE,
      ->assertRaw($message, t('Product added to wish list after login.'));

    // Check to see if the error will show when we try to add it again.
      ->drupalGet('node/' . $this->productNode->uid);

    // Make sure Add to Wishlist is on the page.
      ->assertRaw('Add to Wishlist');

    // Submit the button.
    $edit = array(
      'product_id' => 1,
      ->getUrl(), $edit, t('Add to Wishlist'));
    $message = t('Please <a href="@login">log in</a> or <a href="@register">register</a> to add this product to your wish list.', array(
      '@login' => url('user/login', array(
        'query' => array(
          'destination' => 'node/1',
      '@register' => url('user/register'),
      ->assertRaw($message, t('Error adding to wish list displayed.'));
    $message = t('Product <em>@product</em> was already in <a href="@url">your wish list</a>.', array(
      '@product' => $this->product->title,
      '@url' => url('user/' . $this->storeCustomer->uid . '/wishlist', array(
        'absolute' => TRUE,
      ->assertRaw($message, t('Product was already in the wish list.'));
      ->drupalGet('node/' . $this->productNode2->nid);
      ->assertRaw('Add to Wishlist');
    $edit = array(
      'product_id' => 2,
      ->getUrl(), $edit, t('Add to Wishlist'));
    $message = t('Product <em>@product</em> has been added to <a href="@url">your wish list</a>.', array(
      '@product' => $this->product2->title,
      '@url' => url('user/' . $this->storeCustomer->uid . '/wishlist', array(
        'absolute' => TRUE,
      ->assertRaw($message, t('Product added to wish list after login.'));
      ->drupalGet('user/' . $this->storeCustomer->uid . '/wishlist');
      ->assertText('Product One', t('Product one is listed.'));
      ->assertText('Product Two', t('Product two is listed.'));
  public function testCommerceWishlistSharing() {

    // Sets a standard path.
    $wishlist_path = 'user/' . $this->storeCustomer->uid . '/wishlist';

    // Create a wishlist for a store customer test.
    $wishlist = commerce_wishlist_order_new($this->storeCustomer->uid);
    commerce_wishlist_product_add($this->product, $wishlist, $this->storeCustomer->uid);
    commerce_wishlist_product_add($this->product2, $wishlist, $this->storeCustomer->uid);
      ->assertResponse(403, t('Wishlist is unavailable to the public.'));

    // Log in with the wishlist user.

    // Load the wish list page.
      ->assertResponse(200, t('Wishlist is available to the customer.'));
      ->assertText(t('Share my wish list'), t('Wish list sharing block is on the wish list page.'));
      ->assertText(t('Your wish list is private and can only be viewed by you.'), t('Wish list is private by default.'));
      ->assertField('commerce_wishlist_visibility[und]', t('Wish list sharing field is visible.'));

    // Set our wish list to protected.
      ->drupalPost($wishlist_path, array(
      'commerce_wishlist_visibility[und]' => 1,
    ), t('Save'));
      ->assertField('commerce_wishlist_visibility[und]', t('Wish list sharing field is visible.'));
      ->assertText(t('Your wish list is protected and can be viewed only by visiting this URL'), t('Wish list protected message shows up.'));
    $elements = $this
      ->xpath('//a[contains(@href, "shared-wishlist")]/@href');
    $protected_path = (string) $elements[0];

    // Make sure that it can't be accessed except by the special URL.
      ->assertResponse(403, t('Protected wishlist is not publicly accessible.'));
      ->assertNoField('commerce_wishlist_visibility[und]', t('Wish list sharing field is hidden.'));
      ->assertResponse(200, t('Protected wish list URL works.'));
      ->assertText(t('Product One'), t('Product is visible.'));
      ->assertText(t('Product Two'), t('Product is visible.'));

    // Change to public.
      ->drupalPost($wishlist_path, array(
      'commerce_wishlist_visibility[und]' => 2,
    ), t('Save'));
      ->assertField('commerce_wishlist_visibility[und]', t('Wish list sharing field is visible.'));
      ->assertText(t('Your wish list is public and can be viewed by everyone.'), t('Wish list public message shows up.'));
    $elements = $this
      ->xpath('//a[contains(@href, "shared-wishlist")]/@href');
      ->assertEqual($elements, array(), t('No shared link on the page.'));

    // Log out and test our wish list.
      ->assertResponse(200, t('Wish list accessible on usual URL to anonymous user.'));
      ->assertText(t('Product One'), t('Product is visible.'));
      ->assertText(t('Product Two'), t('Product is visible.'));
      ->assertNoField('commerce_wishlist_visibility[und]', t('Wish list sharing field is hidden.'));

    // Set the protected path.
      ->assertResponse(200, t('Protected wish list URL works still works while public.'));
      ->assertText(t('Product One'), t('Product is visible.'));
      ->assertText(t('Product Two'), t('Product is visible.'));

    // Change to back to private.
      ->assertField('commerce_wishlist_visibility[und]', t('Wish list sharing field is visible.'));
      ->drupalPost($wishlist_path, array(
      'commerce_wishlist_visibility[und]' => 0,
    ), t('Save'));
      ->assertText(t('Your wish list is private and can only be viewed by you.'), t('Wish list is private.'));
    $elements = $this
      ->xpath('//a[contains(@href, "shared-wishlist")]/@href');
      ->assertEqual($elements, array(), t('No shared link on the page.'));

    // Log out and test the URLs one more time.
      ->assertResponse(403, t('Wish list inaccessible on user path.'));
      ->assertNoText(t('Product One'), t('Product is not visible.'));
      ->assertNoText(t('Product Two'), t('Product is not visible.'));
      ->assertNoField('commerce_wishlist_visibility[und]', t('Wish list sharing field is hidden.'));

    // Set the protected path.
      ->assertResponse(404, t('Protected wish list URL inaccessible now that it is private.'));
      ->assertNoText(t('Product One'), t('Product is not visible.'));
      ->assertNoText(t('Product Two'), t('Product is not visible.'));



Namesort descending Description
CommerceWishlistTest Testing commerce wishlist UI and functionality.
CommerceWishlistTestBase Base class for commerce wishlist tests.