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commerce_ups.schema.yml in Commerce UPS 8.3



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  2. type: commerce_shipping_method_configuration
  3. mapping:
  4. api_information:
  5. label: 'API information'
  6. type: mapping
  7. mapping:
  8. access_key:
  9. type: string
  10. label: 'Access Key'
  11. user_id:
  12. type: string
  13. label: 'User ID'
  14. password:
  15. type: string
  16. label: 'Password'
  17. mode:
  18. type: boolean
  19. label: 'Choose whether to use test or live mode'
  20. rate_options:
  21. type: mapping
  22. label: 'UPS Rating Options'
  23. mapping:
  24. rate_type:
  25. type: boolean
  26. label: 'Choose whether to use negotiated or standard rates'
  27. options:
  28. type: mapping
  29. label: 'UPS Options'
  30. mapping:
  31. tracking_url:
  32. type: string
  33. label: 'Tracking URL'
  34. log:
  35. type: mapping
  36. label: 'Log the following messages for debugging'
  37. mapping:
  38. request:
  39. type: boolean
  40. mapping:
  41. value:
  42. label: 'API request messages'
  43. response:
  44. type: boolean
  45. mapping:
  46. value:
  47. label: 'API response messages'