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CheckoutTest.php in Commerce Stripe 8


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namespace Drupal\Tests\commerce_stripe\FunctionalJavascript;

use Behat\Mink\Driver\Selenium2Driver;
use Behat\Mink\Element\NodeElement;
use Drupal\commerce_payment\Entity\Payment;
use Drupal\commerce_payment\Entity\PaymentGateway;
use Drupal\commerce_payment\Entity\PaymentMethod;
use Drupal\commerce_payment\Exception\HardDeclineException;
use Drupal\commerce_payment\Exception\SoftDeclineException;
use Drupal\commerce_stripe\Plugin\Commerce\PaymentGateway\StripeInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Entity\Entity\EntityFormDisplay;
use Drupal\Core\Url;
use Drupal\Tests\commerce\FunctionalJavascript\CommerceWebDriverTestBase;
use Drupal\Tests\commerce_stripe\Kernel\StripeIntegrationTestBase;

 * Tests checkout with Stripe.
 * @group commerce_stripe
class CheckoutTest extends CommerceWebDriverTestBase {

   * The product.
   * @var \Drupal\commerce_product\Entity\ProductInterface
  protected $product;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public static $modules = [

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function setUp() : void {
    $variation = $this
      ->createEntity('commerce_product_variation', [
      'type' => 'default',
      'sku' => strtolower($this
      'price' => [
        'number' => '9.99',
        'currency_code' => 'USD',

    /** @var \Drupal\commerce_product\Entity\ProductInterface $product */
    $this->product = $this
      ->createEntity('commerce_product', [
      'type' => 'default',
      'title' => 'My product',
      'variations' => [
      'stores' => [
    $gateway = PaymentGateway::create([
      'id' => 'stripe_testing',
      'label' => 'Stripe',
      'plugin' => 'stripe',
      'configuration' => [
        'payment_method_types' => [
        'publishable_key' => StripeIntegrationTestBase::TEST_PUBLISHABLE_KEY,
        'secret_key' => StripeIntegrationTestBase::TEST_SECRET_KEY,

    // Cheat so we don't need JS to interact w/ Address field widget.

    /** @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\Display\EntityFormDisplayInterface $customer_form_display */
    $customer_form_display = EntityFormDisplay::load('profile.customer.default');
    $address_component = $customer_form_display
    $address_component['settings']['default_country'] = 'US';
      ->setComponent('address', $address_component);

   * Tests an anonymous customer can checkout.
   * This uses a card which does not trigger SCA or 3DS authentication.
   * @dataProvider dataProviderUserAuthenticated
  public function testCheckoutAndPayment($authenticated) {
    if ($authenticated) {
      $customer = $this
      ->submitForm([], 'Add to cart');
    if (!$authenticated) {
        ->submitForm([], 'Continue as Guest');
        ->fillField('contact_information[email]', '');
        ->fillField('contact_information[email_confirm]', '');
      ->fillCreditCardData('4242424242424242', '0322', '123');
      'payment_information[add_payment_method][billing_information][address][0][address][given_name]' => 'Johnny',
      'payment_information[add_payment_method][billing_information][address][0][address][family_name]' => 'Appleseed',
      'payment_information[add_payment_method][billing_information][address][0][address][address_line1]' => '123 New York Drive',
      'payment_information[add_payment_method][billing_information][address][0][address][locality]' => 'New York City',
      'payment_information[add_payment_method][billing_information][address][0][address][administrative_area]' => 'NY',
      'payment_information[add_payment_method][billing_information][address][0][address][postal_code]' => '10001',
    ], 'Continue to review');
      ->assertWaitForText('Visa ending in 4242');
      ->assertWaitForText('Expires 3/2022');
      ->submitForm([], 'Pay and complete purchase');
      ->assertWaitForText('Your order number is 1. You can view your order on your account page when logged in.');

   * Tests checkout without billing information.
   * This uses a card which does not trigger SCA or 3DS authentication.
   * @dataProvider dataProviderUserAuthenticated
  public function testNoBillingCheckout($authenticated) {
    $payment_gateway = PaymentGateway::load('stripe_testing');
    $configuration = $payment_gateway
    $configuration['collect_billing_information'] = FALSE;
    if ($authenticated) {
      $customer = $this
      ->submitForm([], 'Add to cart');
    if (!$authenticated) {
        ->submitForm([], 'Continue as Guest');
        ->fillField('contact_information[email]', '');
        ->fillField('contact_information[email_confirm]', '');
      ->fillCreditCardData('4242424242424242', '0322', '123');
      ->submitForm([], 'Continue to review');
      ->assertWaitForText('Visa ending in 4242');
      ->assertWaitForText('Expires 3/2022');
      ->submitForm([], 'Pay and complete purchase');
      ->assertWaitForText('Your order number is 1. You can view your order on your account page when logged in.');

   * Tests customer, with regulations, can checkout.
   * This card requires authentication for one-time payments. However, if you
   * set up this card and use the saved card for subsequent off-session
   * payments, no further authentication is needed. In live mode, Stripe
   * dynamically determines when a particular transaction requires
   * authentication due to regional regulations such as
   * Strong Customer Authentication.
   * @dataProvider dataProviderUserAuthenticatedAndCardAuthentication
   * @group threeds
  public function testCheckoutAndPayPayment3ds($authenticated, $pass) {
    if ($authenticated) {
      $customer = $this
      ->submitForm([], 'Add to cart');
    if (!$authenticated) {
        ->submitForm([], 'Continue as Guest');
        ->fillField('contact_information[email]', '');
        ->fillField('contact_information[email_confirm]', '');
      ->fillCreditCardData('4000002500003155', '0322', '123');
      'payment_information[add_payment_method][billing_information][address][0][address][given_name]' => 'Johnny',
      'payment_information[add_payment_method][billing_information][address][0][address][family_name]' => 'Appleseed',
      'payment_information[add_payment_method][billing_information][address][0][address][address_line1]' => '123 New York Drive',
      'payment_information[add_payment_method][billing_information][address][0][address][locality]' => 'New York City',
      'payment_information[add_payment_method][billing_information][address][0][address][administrative_area]' => 'NY',
      'payment_information[add_payment_method][billing_information][address][0][address][postal_code]' => '10001',
    ], 'Continue to review');
      ->assertWaitForText('Visa ending in 3155');
      ->assertWaitForText('Expires 3/2022');
      ->pressButton('Pay and complete purchase');
    if ($pass) {
        ->assertWaitForText('Your order number is 1. You can view your order on your account page when logged in.');
    else {
        ->assertWaitForText('We encountered an error processing your payment method. Please verify your details and try again.');

   * Tests customer, with regulations, can checkout.
   * This card requires authentication on all transactions, regardless of how
   * the card is set up.
   * @note: When always using SetupIntent, this would cause two authentication
   * modals. One when persisting the payment method and another when confirming
   * the payment intent.
   * @dataProvider dataProviderUserAuthenticatedAndCardAuthentication
   * @group threeds
  public function test3dsAlwaysAuthenticate($authenticated, $pass) {
    if ($authenticated) {
      $customer = $this
      ->submitForm([], 'Add to cart');
    if (!$authenticated) {
        ->submitForm([], 'Continue as Guest');
        ->fillField('contact_information[email]', '');
        ->fillField('contact_information[email_confirm]', '');
      ->fillCreditCardData('4000002760003184', '0322', '123');
      'payment_information[add_payment_method][billing_information][address][0][address][given_name]' => 'Johnny',
      'payment_information[add_payment_method][billing_information][address][0][address][family_name]' => 'Appleseed',
      'payment_information[add_payment_method][billing_information][address][0][address][address_line1]' => '123 New York Drive',
      'payment_information[add_payment_method][billing_information][address][0][address][locality]' => 'New York City',
      'payment_information[add_payment_method][billing_information][address][0][address][administrative_area]' => 'NY',
      'payment_information[add_payment_method][billing_information][address][0][address][postal_code]' => '10001',
    ], 'Continue to review');
      ->assertWaitForText('Visa ending in 3184');
      ->assertWaitForText('Expires 3/2022');
      ->pressButton('Pay and complete purchase');
    if ($pass) {
        ->assertWaitForText('Your order number is 1. You can view your order on your account page when logged in.');
    else {
        ->assertWaitForText('We encountered an error processing your payment method. Please verify your details and try again.');

   * Tests checkout with a previously created payment method.
   * @dataProvider dataProviderExistingPaymentMethodCardNumber
   * @group threeds
   * @group existing
   * @group on_session
  public function testCheckoutWithExistingPaymentMethod($card_number) {
    $customer = $this
      'manage own commerce_payment_method',
      ->drupalGet(Url::fromRoute('entity.commerce_payment_method.add_form', [
      'user' => $customer
      ->fillCreditCardData($card_number, '0322', '123');
      'add_payment_method[billing_information][address][0][address][given_name]' => 'Johnny',
      'add_payment_method[billing_information][address][0][address][family_name]' => 'Appleseed',
      'add_payment_method[billing_information][address][0][address][address_line1]' => '123 New York Drive',
      'add_payment_method[billing_information][address][0][address][locality]' => 'New York City',
      'add_payment_method[billing_information][address][0][address][administrative_area]' => 'NY',
      'add_payment_method[billing_information][address][0][address][postal_code]' => '10001',
    ], 'Save');
      ->complete3ds(TRUE, FALSE);
      ->assertWaitForText('Visa ending in ' . substr($card_number, -4) . ' saved to your payment methods.');
      ->drupalGet(Url::fromRoute('entity.commerce_payment_method.collection', [
      'user' => $customer
      ->pageTextContains('Visa ending in ' . substr($card_number, -4));
      ->submitForm([], 'Add to cart');
      ->pressButton('Continue to review');
      ->pageTextContains('Payment information');
      ->pageTextContains('Visa ending in ' . substr($card_number, -4));
      ->pageTextContains('Expires 3/2022');
      ->pageTextContains('Order Summary');
      ->pressButton('Pay and complete purchase');
      ->assertWaitForText('Your order number is 1. You can view your order on your account page when logged in.');

   * Tests checkout with a previously created payment method.
   * @dataProvider dataProviderExistingPaymentMethodCardNumber
   * @group threeds
   * @group existing
   * @group off_session
  public function testCheckoutWithExistingPaymentMethodOffSession($card_number) {
    $customer = $this
      'manage own commerce_payment_method',
      ->drupalGet(Url::fromRoute('entity.commerce_payment_method.add_form', [
      'user' => $customer
      ->fillCreditCardData($card_number, '0322', '123');
      'add_payment_method[billing_information][address][0][address][given_name]' => 'Johnny',
      'add_payment_method[billing_information][address][0][address][family_name]' => 'Appleseed',
      'add_payment_method[billing_information][address][0][address][address_line1]' => '123 New York Drive',
      'add_payment_method[billing_information][address][0][address][locality]' => 'New York City',
      'add_payment_method[billing_information][address][0][address][administrative_area]' => 'NY',
      'add_payment_method[billing_information][address][0][address][postal_code]' => '10001',
    ], 'Save');
      ->complete3ds(TRUE, FALSE);
      ->assertWaitForText('Visa ending in ' . substr($card_number, -4) . ' saved to your payment methods.');
      ->drupalGet(Url::fromRoute('entity.commerce_payment_method.collection', [
      'user' => $customer
      ->pageTextContains('Visa ending in ' . substr($card_number, -4));

    // Create an off_session order with the payment method generated.
    $cart_provider = $this->container
    $cart_manager = $this->container
    $cart = $cart_provider
      ->createCart('default', $this->store, $customer);
      ->addEntity($cart, $this->product
    $gateway = PaymentGateway::load('stripe_testing');
    $payment_method = PaymentMethod::load(1);
      ->set('billing_profile', $payment_method
      ->set('payment_method', $payment_method);
      ->set('payment_gateway', $gateway
    $plugin = $gateway
    assert($plugin instanceof StripeInterface);
    $payment = Payment::create([
      'state' => 'new',
      'amount' => $cart
      'payment_gateway' => $gateway,
      'payment_method' => $payment_method,
      'order_id' => $cart,

    // @todo 4000003800000446 _should_ not require authentication. Supposedly.
    // Discussed with Stripe support in IRC and they could not confirm.
      ->expectExceptionMessage('The payment intent requires action by the customer for authentication');
    try {
    } catch (HardDeclineException $e) {

   * Data provider to provide a pass or truthy data set.
   * @return \Generator
   *   The data.
  public function dataProviderUserAuthenticated() {
    (yield [
    (yield [

   * Data provider for user authentication and card authentication.
   * @return \Generator
   *   The data.
  public function dataProviderUserAuthenticatedAndCardAuthentication() {

    // Logged in, card authorized.
    (yield [

    // Anonymous, card authorized.
    (yield [

    // Logged in, card unauthorized.
    (yield [

    // Anonymous, card unauthorized.
    (yield [

   * Data provider for card numbers when testing existing payment methods.
   * @return \Generator
   *   The data.
  public function dataProviderExistingPaymentMethodCardNumber() {

    // These can be added, but must go through one authentication approval via
    // an on-session payment intent.
    (yield [
    (yield [

    // This card requires authentication for one-time and other on-session
    // payments. However, all off-session payments will succeed as if the card
    // has been previously set up.
    (yield [

   * Fills the credit card form inputs.
   * @param string $card_number
   *   The card number.
   * @param string $card_exp
   *   The card expiration.
   * @param string $card_cvv
   *   The card CVV.
   * @throws \Behat\Mink\Exception\ElementNotFoundException
   * @throws \Behat\Mink\Exception\ResponseTextException
   * @throws \WebDriver\Exception
  protected function fillCreditCardData($card_number, $card_exp, $card_cvv) {
    $element = $this
      ->fieldTypeInput($element, $card_number);
      ->pageTextNotContains('Your card number is invalid.');
    $element = $this
      ->fieldTypeInput($element, $card_exp);
      ->fillField('cvc', $card_cvv);

   * Fills an inputs values by simulated typing.
   * @param \Behat\Mink\Element\NodeElement $element
   *   The element.
   * @param string $value
   *   The value.
   * @throws \WebDriver\Exception
  protected function fieldTypeInput(NodeElement $element, $value) {
    $driver = $this
    if ($driver instanceof Selenium2Driver) {
      $wd_element = $driver
        ->element('xpath', $element
      foreach (str_split($value) as $char) {
          'value' => [

   * Asserts text will become visible on the page.
   * @param string $text
   *   The text.
   * @param int $wait
   *   The wait time, in seconds.
   * @return bool
   *   Returns TRUE if operation succeeds.
   * @throws \Exception
  public function assertWaitForText($text, $wait = 20) {
    $last_exception = NULL;
    $stopTime = time() + $wait;
    while (time() < $stopTime) {
      try {
        return TRUE;
      } catch (\Exception $e) {

        // If the text has not been found, keep waiting.
        $last_exception = $e;
    throw $last_exception;

   * Waits for a frame to become available and then switches to it.
   * @param string $name
   *   The frame name.
   * @param int $wait
   *   The wait time, in seconds.
   * @return bool
   *   Returns TRUE if operation succeeds.
   * @throws \Exception
  public function switchToFrame($name, $wait = 20) {
    $last_exception = NULL;
    $stopTime = time() + $wait;
    while (time() < $stopTime) {
      try {
        $element = $this
          ->elementExists('xpath', "//iframe[@id='{$name}' or @name='{$name}' or starts-with(@name, '{$name}')]");
        return TRUE;
      } catch (\Exception $e) {

        // If the frame has not been found, keep waiting.
        $last_exception = $e;
    throw $last_exception;

   * Completes 3DS authentication using Stripe's modal.
   * @param bool $pass
   *   Whether to pass or fail the 3DS authentication.
   * @param bool $payment
   *   Whether this is a payment or non-payment 3DS.
   * @throws \Behat\Mink\Exception\ElementNotFoundException
  protected function complete3ds($pass, $payment = TRUE) {
    $text = 'This is a 3D Secure non-payment authentication test page.';
    if ($payment) {
      $text = '3D Secure Test Payment Page';
    $button = $pass ? 'Complete authentication' : 'Fail authentication';

   * Switch to the first iframe which ancestor is the given div element id.
   * @param string $element_id
   *   The div element id.
   * @throws \Exception
  protected function switchToElementFrame(string $element_id) {
    $iframe = $this
      ->find('xpath', '//div[@id="' . $element_id . '"]//iframe')

   * Helper method to wait for Stripe actions on the client.
  protected function waitForStripe() {

    // @todo better assertion to wait for the form to submit.



Namesort descending Description
CheckoutTest Tests checkout with Stripe.