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12 calls to commerce_stripe_load_library() in Commerce Stripe 7.3

commerce_stripe_capture_form_submit in includes/
Submit handler: process a prior authorization capture via AIM.
commerce_stripe_cardonfile_charge in ./commerce_stripe.module
Card on file callback: background charge payment TODO: implement proper return codes per commerce payment
commerce_stripe_cardonfile_delete in ./commerce_stripe.module
Card on file callback: deletes the associated customer payment profile.
commerce_stripe_cardonfile_update in ./commerce_stripe.module
Card on file callback: updates the associated customer payment profile.
commerce_stripe_connect_admin_disconnect_form_submit in modules/commerce_stripe_connect/includes/
Form callback: submits the form to disconnect the site's Stripe account.
commerce_stripe_payment_currencies in ./commerce_stripe.module
Supported payment currencies will vary by location of the Stripe account.
commerce_stripe_refund_form in includes/
Form callback for processing refunds.
commerce_stripe_refund_form_submit in includes/
Submit callback for submitting refunds to Stripe.
commerce_stripe_submit_form_submit in ./commerce_stripe.module
Payment method callback: checkout form submission.
commerce_stripe_void_form_submit in includes/
Submit handler: process the void request. This is only accessible on uncaptured charge. If a user wishes to cancel a captured transaction, they need to credit the account
_commerce_stripe_create_card in ./commerce_stripe.module
Call Stripe to create card for a user.
_commerce_stripe_save_cardonfile in ./commerce_stripe.module