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commerce_stock_local.module in Commerce Stock 8

Commerce Stock Local module.


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 * @file
 * Commerce Stock Local module.
use Drupal\Core\Render\Element;
use Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition;

 * Implements hook_entity_base_field_info().
function commerce_stock_local_entity_base_field_info(EntityTypeInterface $entity_type) {

  // Get class of entity type.
  if (in_array('Drupal\\commerce\\PurchasableEntityInterface', class_implements($entity_type
    ->getOriginalClass()))) {
    $fields['commerce_stock_always_in_stock'] = BaseFieldDefinition::create('boolean')
      ->setLabel(t('Always in stock?'))
      ->setDescription(t('Should this product be considered "always in stock"?'))
      ->setDisplayConfigurable('form', TRUE)
      ->setDisplayOptions('form', [
      'type' => 'boolean_checkbox',
      'weight' => 5,
    return $fields;

 * Implements hook_cron().
function commerce_stock_local_cron() {
  $next = \Drupal::state()
    ->get('commerce_stock_local.update_level_next') ?: 0;
  $request_time = \Drupal::time()
  if ($request_time >= $next) {
    $cron_run_mode = \Drupal::config('commerce_stock_local.cron')
    if ($cron_run_mode == 'legacy') {
    else {

    // Set the next run time.
    $interval = \Drupal::config('commerce_stock_local.cron')
      ->set('commerce_stock_local.update_level_next', $request_time + $interval);

 * Updates the stock level update queue.
 * Adds purchasable entities from the latest unprocessed stock transactions
 * to the queue worker responsible for totaling location stock levels.
 * @todo Support all purchasable entities - not just product variations.
 * @see
function _commerce_stock_local_update_stock_level_queue() {

  // Get the queue.
  $queue = \Drupal::queue('commerce_stock_local_stock_level_updater');

  // If we have unprocessed items.
  if ($queue
    ->numberOfItems() > 0) {

    // We do not want to add more items until all qued items are processed.

  // Build the query to return only variations with new transactions.
  $db = \Drupal::database();
  $query = $db
    ->select('commerce_stock_transaction', 'st_t');

  // Join the location level table.
    ->leftjoin('commerce_stock_location_level', 'st_l', ' st_l.location_id = st_t.location_id and st_l.entity_id = st_t.entity_id');

  // We only return the entity ID.
    ->fields('st_t', [

  // Create the OR Condition group
  $group = $query
    ->where('st_l.last_transaction_id <');

  // Add OR group as a condition.
  $result = $query

  /** @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityStorageInterface $storage */
  $storage = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()

  // Cycle the returned entity IDs and add them to the queue.
  foreach ($result as $pid) {
    $entity = $storage
    $data = [
      'entity_id' => $entity
      'entity_type' => $entity

 * Updates the stock level update queue legacy system.
 * This will systematically check all products on the site.
 * Adds purchasable entities from the latest unprocessed stock transactions
 * to the queue worker responsible for totaling location stock levels.
function _commerce_stock_local_update_stock_level_queue_legacy() {
  $queue = \Drupal::queue('commerce_stock_local_stock_level_updater');

  // Get the last processed product id.
  $level_last_id = \Drupal::state()
  $level_last_id = !empty($level_last_id) ? $level_last_id : 0;

  // Check if Q empty and not initialized to 0.
  if ($queue
    ->numberOfItems() == 0 && $level_last_id != 0) {

    // Set the Q reset state.
      ->set('commerce_stock_local.llq_reset', TRUE);
    $llq_reset = TRUE;
  else {

    // Get the Q reset state.
    $llq_reset = \Drupal::state()
    $llq_reset = !empty($llq_reset) ? $llq_reset : FALSE;

  // Get the batch size.
  $llq_batchsize = \Drupal::config('commerce_stock_local.cron')
  $llq_batchsize = !empty($llq_batchsize) ? $llq_batchsize : 50;

  /** @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityStorageInterface $storage */
  $storage = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()
  $result = $storage
    ->condition('variation_id', $level_last_id, '>')
    ->condition('status', 1, '=')
    ->sort('variation_id', 'ASC')
    ->range(0, $llq_batchsize)
  foreach ($result as $pid) {
    $entity = $storage
    $data = [
      'entity_id' => $entity
      'entity_type' => $entity

  // Check if we can restrt processing products from the top.
  if ($llq_reset && count($result) < $llq_batchsize) {

    // Set reset to FALSE.
      ->set('commerce_stock_local.llq_reset', FALSE);

    // Set last product id to 0.
      ->set('commerce_stock_local.update_last_id', 0);
  else {

    // Set the last product id for the Q bookmark.
    if (!empty($result)) {
        ->set('commerce_stock_local.update_last_id', $pid);

 * Implements hook_theme().
function commerce_stock_local_theme() {
  $theme = [];
  $theme['commerce_stock_location'] = [
    'render element' => 'elements',
  $theme['commerce_stock_location_content_add_list'] = [
    'render element' => 'content',
    'variables' => [
      'content' => NULL,
  return $theme;

 * Implements hook_theme_suggestions_HOOK().
function commerce_stock_local_theme_suggestions_commerce_stock_location(array $variables) {
  return _commerce_entity_theme_suggestions('commerce_stock_location', $variables);

 * Prepares variables for Stock location templates.
 * Default template: commerce-stock-location.html.twig.
 * @param array $variables
 *   An associative array containing:
 *   - elements: An associative array containing the user information and any
 *   - attributes: HTML attributes for the containing element.
function template_preprocess_commerce_stock_location(array &$variables) {

  // Fetch StockLocation Entity Object.
  $commerce_stock_location = $variables['elements']['#commerce_stock_location'];
  $variables['commerce_stock_location_entity'] = $commerce_stock_location;
  $variables['commerce_stock_location_url'] = $commerce_stock_location
  $variables['commerce_stock_location'] = [];

  // Helpful $content variable for templates.
  foreach (Element::children($variables['elements']) as $key) {
    $variables['commerce_stock_location'][$key] = $variables['elements'][$key];