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public function ShipmentForm::form in Commerce Shipping 8.2

Gets the actual form array to be built.

Overrides ContentEntityForm::form

See also




src/Form/ShipmentForm.php, line 64


Defines the shipment add/edit form.




public function form(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {

  /** @var \Drupal\commerce_shipping\Entity\ShipmentInterface $shipment */
  $shipment = $this->entity;
  $order_id = $shipment
  if (!$order_id) {
    $order_id = $this
      ->set('order_id', $order_id);

  /** @var \Drupal\commerce_order\Entity\OrderInterface $order */
  $order = $shipment

  /** @var \Drupal\profile\Entity\ProfileInterface $shipping_profile */
  $shipping_profile = $shipment
  if (!$shipping_profile) {

    /** @var \Drupal\commerce_shipping\Entity\ShipmentTypeInterface $shipment_type */
    $shipment_type = $this->entityTypeManager

    /** @var \Drupal\profile\Entity\ProfileInterface $shipping_profile */
    $shipping_profile = $this->entityTypeManager
      'type' => $shipment_type
      'uid' => 0,
    $address = [
      '#type' => 'address',
      '#default_value' => [],
      ->set('address', $address);

  // Store the original amount for ShipmentForm::save().
    ->set('original_amount', $shipment
  $form = parent::form($form, $form_state);

  // The ShippingProfileWidget doesn't output a fieldset because that makes
  // sense in a checkout context, but on the admin form it is clearer for
  // profile fields to be visually grouped.
  $form['shipping_profile']['widget'][0]['#type'] = 'fieldset';

  // Fixes illegal choice has been detected message upon AJAX reload.
  if (empty($form['shipping_method']['widget'][0]['#options'])) {
    $form['shipping_method']['#access'] = FALSE;

  // Prepare the form for ajax.
  // Not using Html::getUniqueId() on the wrapper ID to avoid #2675688.
  $form['#wrapper_id'] = 'shipping-information-wrapper';
  $form['#prefix'] = '<div id="' . $form['#wrapper_id'] . '">';
  $form['#suffix'] = '</div>';
  $package_types = $this->packageTypeManager
  $package_type_options = [];
  foreach ($package_types as $package_type) {
    $unit = ' ' . array_pop($package_type['dimensions']);
    $dimensions = ' (' . implode(' x ', $package_type['dimensions']) . $unit . ')';
    $package_type_options[$package_type['id']] = $package_type['label'] . $dimensions;
  $package_type = $shipment
  $form['package_type'] = [
    '#type' => 'select',
    '#title' => $this
      ->t('Package Type'),
    '#options' => $package_type_options,
    '#default_value' => $package_type ? $package_type
      ->getId() : '',
    '#access' => count($package_types) > 1,
  $order_items = $order

  /** @var \Drupal\commerce_shipping\ShipmentStorageInterface $shipment_storage */
  $shipment_storage = $this->entityTypeManager

  // Get all of the shipments for the current order.
  $order_shipments = $shipment_storage

  // Store order_items that are already tied to shipments on this order.
  $already_on_shipment = [];
  foreach ($order_shipments as $order_shipment) {
    if ($order_shipment
      ->id() != $shipment
      ->id()) {
      $shipment_items = $order_shipment
      foreach ($shipment_items as $shipment_item) {
        $order_item_id = $shipment_item
        $already_on_shipment[$order_item_id] = $order_item_id;
  $shipment_item_options = [];

  // Populates the default values by looking at the items already in this
  // shipment.
  $shipment_item_defaults = [];
  $shipment_items = $shipment

  /** @var \Drupal\commerce_shipping\ShipmentItem $shipment_item */
  foreach ($shipment_items as $shipment_item) {
    $shipment_item_id = $shipment_item
    $shipment_item_defaults[$shipment_item_id] = $shipment_item_id;
    $shipment_item_options[$shipment_item_id] = $shipment_item

  /** @var \Drupal\commerce_order\Entity\OrderItemInterface $order_item */
  foreach ($order_items as $order_item) {

    // Skip shipment items that are already on this shipment.
    if (isset($shipment_item_options[$order_item
      ->id()]) || !$order_item
      ->hasField('purchased_entity') || in_array($order_item
      ->id(), $already_on_shipment, TRUE)) {

    // Only allow items that aren't already on a shipment
    // have a purchasable entity and implement the shippable trait.
    $purchasable_entity = $order_item
    if (!empty($purchasable_entity) && $purchasable_entity
      ->hasField('weight')) {
        ->id()] = $order_item
  $form['shipment_items'] = [
    '#type' => 'checkboxes',
    '#title' => $this
      ->t('Shipment items'),
    '#options' => $shipment_item_options,
    '#default_value' => $shipment_item_defaults,
    '#required' => TRUE,
    '#weight' => 48,
  $form['recalculate_shipping'] = [
    '#type' => 'button',
    '#value' => $this
      ->t('Recalculate shipping'),
    '#recalculate' => TRUE,
    '#ajax' => [
      'callback' => [
      'wrapper' => $form['#wrapper_id'],
    // The calculation process only needs a valid shipping profile.
    '#limit_validation_errors' => [
      array_merge($form['#parents'], [
    '#weight' => 49,
    '#after_build' => [
  return $form;