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7 calls to commerce_shipping_service_load() in Commerce Shipping 7.2

commerce_shipping_line_item_add_form_submit in ./commerce_shipping.module
Adds the selected shipping information to a new shipping line item.
commerce_shipping_line_item_populate in ./commerce_shipping.module
Populates a shipping line item with the specified values.
commerce_shipping_pane_checkout_form in includes/
Checkout pane callback: builds a shipping quote selection form.
commerce_shipping_pane_checkout_form_submit in includes/
Checkout pane callback: submit the shipping checkout pane.
commerce_shipping_pane_checkout_form_validate in includes/
Checkout pane callback: validate the shipping service selection and details.
commerce_shipping_service_rate_calculate in ./commerce_shipping.module
Creates a shipping line item and passes it through Rules.
commerce_shipping_service_rate_order in ./commerce_shipping.module
Adds a shipping rate to the given order object for the specified service.