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commerce_reports.test in Commerce Reporting 7.3

Unit tests for the commerce reports module.


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 * @file
 * Unit tests for the commerce reports module.
class CommerceReportsBaseTestCase extends CommerceBaseTestCase {
  protected $products;
  protected $customers;
  protected $orders;
  function setUp() {
    $modules = parent::setUpHelper('all', array(
    $this->products = array();
    $this->customers = array();
    $this->orders = array();

   * Helper function creating multiple dummy products with a variable price.
  protected function createProducts($amount = 1) {
    for ($i = 0; $i < $amount; $i++) {
      $product = $this
        ->randomName(), '', rand(1, 1000));
      $this->products[$product->product_id] = $product;

   * Helper function creating multiple dummy customers.
  protected function createCustomers($amount = 1) {
    for ($i = 0; $i < $amount; $i++) {
      $customer = $this
      $this->customers[$customer->uid] = $customer;

   * Helper function creating multiple dummy orders.
   * If no customers or products exist, then one of each get created.
  protected function createOrders($amount = 1, $createTransactions = FALSE, $possibleDates = array()) {
    if (empty($this->products)) {
    if (empty($this->customers)) {
    $order_status = 'completed';
    if ($createTransactions) {
      $order_status = 'pending';
    for ($i = 0; $i < $amount; $i++) {
      $totalProducts = rand(1, count($this->products));
      $products = array();
      for ($x = 0; $x < $totalProducts; $x++) {
        $product = $this->products[array_rand($this->products)];
        $products[$product->product_id] = rand(1, 10);
      if (!($customer = next($this->customers))) {
        $customer = reset($this->customers);
      $order = $this
        ->createDummyOrder($customer->uid, $products, $order_status);
      if (!empty($possibleDates)) {
        $date = $possibleDates[array_rand($possibleDates)];
        $order->created = $date;
      $transaction = NULL;
      if ($createTransactions) {
        $transaction = commerce_payment_transaction_new('commerce_payment_example', $order->order_id);
        $transaction->amount = $order->commerce_order_total['und'][0]['amount'];
        $transaction->status = 'success';
      $this->orders[] = array(
        'commerce_transaction' => $transaction,
        'commerce_order' => $order,
        'products' => $products,
  protected function getTotal() {
    $total = 0;
    foreach ($this->orders as $order) {
      foreach ($order['products'] as $product_id => $quantity) {
        $total += $quantity * $this->products[$product_id]->commerce_price['und'][0]['amount'];
    return $total;

   * Helper function to get different combinations of permission sets.
   * @param $set
   *  Can be a single string (from the following) or can be an array containing
   *  multiple values that should be merged:
   *    'site admin': Admin permissions for Drupal core modules
   *    'store admin': All commerce "administer X" permissions
  protected function permissionBuilder($sets) {
    if (is_string($sets)) {
      $sets = array(
    $store_admin = array(
      'access commerce reports',
    $final_permissions = parent::permissionBuilder($sets);
    foreach ($sets as $set) {
      switch ($set) {
        case 'store admin':
          $final_permissions = array_unique(array_merge($final_permissions, $store_admin));
    return $final_permissions;

class CommerceReportsUITestCase extends CommerceReportsBaseTestCase {
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Reports user interface',
      'description' => 'Test the reports user interface.',
      'group' => 'Drupal Commerce',
  protected function _getLinks($label) {
    $links = $this
      ->xpath('//a[normalize-space(text())=:label]', array(
      ':label' => $label,
    return $links;
  public function testMenuIntegration() {
    $admin = $this
      'site admin',
      'store admin',
    $links = $this
      ->assertEqual(count($links), 1, t("The correct amount of menu entries to 'Reports' was found on the administration page."));
    if ($links) {
      $attributes = reset($links)
        ->assertEqual($attributes['href'], '/?q=admin/reports', t('The menu entry points to the correct page.'));
    $links = $this
      ->assertEqual(count($links), 1, t("The correct amount of menu entries to 'Reports' was found on the store administration page."));
    if ($links) {
      $attributes = reset($links)
        ->assertEqual($attributes['href'], '/?q=admin/commerce/reports', t('The menu entry points to the correct page.'));
      ->assertResponse(200, t('Reports admin can access reports.'));

class CommerceReportsSalesOverviewTestCase extends CommerceReportsBaseTestCase {
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Sales overview reports',
      'description' => 'Test the sales overview reports.',
      'group' => 'Drupal Commerce',
  protected function _test($data = array()) {
    foreach ($data as $display => $information) {
      $report = views_get_view_result('commerce_reports_sales_overview', $display);
      $line = reset($report);
      foreach ($information as &$metric) {
        if (empty($metric)) {
          $metric = NULL;
      if (empty($line->field_data_commerce_order_total_commerce_order_total_amount)) {
        $amount = 0;
      else {
        $amount = $line->field_data_commerce_order_total_commerce_order_total_amount;
      if (empty($line->order_id)) {
        $sales = NULL;
      else {
        $sales = $line->order_id;
        ->assertEqual($information['count'], $sales, t('The expected amount of orders is equal to the derived amount of orders.'));
        ->assertEqual($information['amount'], $amount, t('The expected total amount is equal to the derived total amount.'));
  public function testTodayOverview() {
      ->createOrders(10, TRUE, array(
    $total = $this
    $testData = array(
      'today' => array(
        'count' => 10,
        'amount' => $total,
      'yesterday' => array(
        'count' => 0,
        'amount' => 0,
      'month' => array(
        'count' => 10,
        'amount' => $total,
  public function testYesterdayOverview() {
      ->createOrders(10, TRUE, array(
      time() - 86400,
    $total = $this
    $testData = array(
      'today' => array(
        'count' => 0,
        'amount' => 0,
      'yesterday' => array(
        'count' => 10,
        'amount' => $total,
      'month' => array(
        'count' => 10,
        'amount' => $total,
  public function testMonthlyOverview() {
      ->createOrders(10, TRUE, array(
      time() - 3 * 86400,
      time() - 5 * 86400,
      time() - 15 * 86400,
      time() - 20 * 86400,
      time() - 30 * 86400,
    $total = $this
    $testData = array(
      'today' => array(
        'count' => 0,
        'amount' => 0,
      'yesterday' => array(
        'count' => 0,
        'amount' => 0,
      'month' => array(
        'count' => 10,
        'amount' => $total,
  public function testOutsideOverviewScope() {
      ->createOrders(10, TRUE, array(
      time() - 31 * 86400,
    $total = $this
    $testData = array(
      'today' => array(
        'count' => 0,
        'amount' => 0,
      'yesterday' => array(
        'count' => 0,
        'amount' => 0,
      'month' => array(
        'count' => 0,
        'amount' => 0,

class CommerceReportsSalesTestCase extends CommerceReportsBaseTestCase {
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Sales reports',
      'description' => 'Test the sales reports.',
      'group' => 'Drupal Commerce',
  public function testNoOrders() {
  public function testSingleOrder() {
      ->createOrders(1, FALSE, $this
  public function testMultipleOrders() {
      ->createOrders(20, FALSE, $this
  protected function _getDates() {
    $report = views_get_view_result('commerce_reports_sales', 'page');
    $possibleDates = array();
    foreach ($report as $line) {
      $possibleDates[] = $line->commerce_order_created_granularity;
    return $possibleDates;
  protected function _test() {
    $sales = array();
    foreach ($this->orders as $order) {
      $created = $order['commerce_order']->created;
      if (empty($sales[$created])) {
        $sales[$created] = array(
          'orders' => 0,
          'revenue' => 0,
      foreach ($order['products'] as $product_id => $quantity) {
        $sales[$created]['revenue'] += $quantity * $this->products[$product_id]->commerce_price['und'][0]['amount'];
    $report = views_get_view_result('commerce_reports_sales', 'page');
    foreach ($report as $line) {
      $created = $line->commerce_order_created_granularity;
      if (empty($sales[$created])) {
          ->assertTrue(empty($line->order_id) && empty($line->commerce_order_total) && empty($line->commerce_order_total_1), t('There was no unintented activity.'));
      else {
        $orders = $sales[$created]['orders'];
        $revenue = $sales[$created]['revenue'];
        $average = (int) floor($revenue / $orders);
          ->assertEqual($line->order_id, $orders, t('The right amount of orders was reported.'));
          ->assertEqual($line->field_data_commerce_order_total_commerce_order_total_amount, $revenue, t('The right amount of revenue was reported.'));
          ->assertEqual((int) floor($line->field_data_commerce_order_total_commerce_order_total_amount_1), $average, t('The right average of revenue was reported.'));

class CommerceReportsPaymentMethodTestCase extends CommerceReportsBaseTestCase {
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Payment method reports',
      'description' => 'Test the payment method reports.',
      'group' => 'Drupal Commerce',
  public function testExampleMethod() {
      ->createOrders(10, TRUE);
    $transactions = 0;
    $revenue = 0;
    foreach ($this->orders as $order) {
      $revenue += $order['commerce_transaction']->amount;
    $report = views_get_view_result('commerce_reports_payment_methods', 'default');
      ->assertEqual(count($report), 1, t('Exactly one payment method was reported upon.'));
    foreach ($report as $line) {
        ->assertEqual($line->commerce_payment_transaction_payment_method, 'commerce_payment_example', t('The example payment method was used for this transaction.'));
        ->assertEqual($line->transaction_id, $transactions, t('The right amount of transactions were reported.'));
        ->assertEqual($line->commerce_payment_transaction_amount, $revenue, t('The right amount of revenue was reported.'));

class CommerceReportsCustomerTestCase extends CommerceReportsBaseTestCase {
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Customer reports',
      'description' => 'Test the customer reports.',
      'group' => 'Drupal Commerce',
  function setUp() {

   * Tests creating a single order for a single customer, containing a single product with a variable quantity.
   * Then verifies if the reporting is correct.
  function testSingleCustomer() {

   * Make one customer perform multiple orders with multiple products.
   * Then verifies if the reporting is correct.
  function testSingleCustomerMultipleProducts() {

   * Make one customer perform multiple orders with multiple products.
   * Then verifies if the reporting is correct.
  function testMultipleCustomers() {
  protected function _test() {
    $customers = array();
    foreach ($this->orders as $order) {
      $uid = $order['commerce_order']->uid;
      if (empty($customers[$uid])) {
        $customers[$uid] = array(
          'orders' => 0,
          'products' => 0,
          'revenue' => 0,
      foreach ($order['products'] as $product_id => $quantity) {
        $customers[$uid]['products'] += $quantity;
        $customers[$uid]['revenue'] += $quantity * $this->products[$product_id]->commerce_price['und'][0]['amount'];
    $report = views_get_view_result('commerce_reports_customers', 'default');
      ->assertEqual(count($report), min(count($customers), 10), t('The amount of customers (%reported) that is reported (%generated) upon is correct.', array(
      '%reported' => count($report),
      '%generated' => count($customers),
    foreach ($report as $line) {
      $uid = $line->uid;
      $orders = $line->commerce_order_users_order_id;
      $revenue = $line->commerce_order_users__field_data_commerce_order_total_commer;
      $average = $line->commerce_order_users__field_data_commerce_order_total_commer_2;
        ->assertFalse(empty($customers[$uid]), t('The customer %uid that is reported upon exists.', array(
        '%uid' => $uid,
      if (!empty($customers[$uid])) {
          ->assertEqual($customers[$uid]['orders'], $orders, t('The reported amount of orders %reported matches the generated amount of orders %generated.', array(
          '%reported' => $orders,
          '%generated' => $customers[$uid]['orders'],

        // $this->assertEqual($customers[$uid]['products'], $products, t('The reported amount of line items %reported matches the generated amount of line items %generated.', array('%reported' => $products, '%generated' => $customers[$uid]['products'])));
          ->assertEqual($customers[$uid]['revenue'], $revenue, t('The reported revenue %reported matches the generated revenue %generated.', array(
          '%reported' => $revenue,
          '%generated' => $customers[$uid]['revenue'],

class CommerceReportsProductTestCase extends CommerceReportsBaseTestCase {
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Product reports',
      'description' => 'Test the product reports.',
      'group' => 'Drupal Commerce',
  function setUp() {

   * Tests creating a single order, containing a single product with a variable quantity.
   * Then verifies if the reporting is correct.
  function testSingleProduct() {

   * Tests creating a single order, containing multiple products with a variable quantity.
   * Then verifies if the reporting is correct.
  function testMultipleProducts() {

   * Tests creating a multiple orders, containing multiple products with a variable quantity.
   * Then verifies if the reporting is correct.
  function testMultipleOrdersProducts() {
  protected function _test() {
    $products = array();
    foreach ($this->orders as $order) {
      foreach ($order['products'] as $product_id => $quantity) {
        $sku = $this->products[$product_id]->sku;
        if (empty($products[$sku])) {
          $products[$sku] = array(
            'quantity' => 0,
            'revenue' => 0,
        $products[$sku]['quantity'] += $quantity;
        $products[$sku]['revenue'] += $quantity * $this->products[$product_id]->commerce_price['und'][0]['amount'];
    $report = views_get_view_result('commerce_reports_products', 'default');
      ->assertEqual(count($report), min(count($products), 10), t('The amount of products (%reported) that is reported (%generated) upon is correct.', array(
      '%reported' => count($report),
      '%generated' => count($products),
    foreach ($report as $line) {
      $sku = $line->commerce_product_field_data_commerce_product_sku;
      $quantity = $line->commerce_line_item_quantity;
      $revenue = $line->field_data_commerce_total_commerce_total_amount;
        ->assertFalse(empty($products[$sku]), t('The product %sku that is reported upon exists.', array(
        '%sku' => $sku,
      if (!empty($products[$sku])) {
          ->assertEqual($products[$sku]['quantity'], $quantity, t('The reported quantity %reported matches the generated quantity %generated.', array(
          '%sku' => $sku,
          '%reported' => $quantity,
          '%generated' => $products[$sku]['quantity'],
          ->assertEqual($products[$sku]['revenue'], $revenue, t('The reported revenue %reported matches the generated revenue %generated.', array(
          '%sku' => $sku,
          '%reported' => $revenue,
          '%generated' => $products[$sku]['revenue'],
