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CommerceReportsPaymentMethodTestCase.php in Commerce Reporting 7.4


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namespace Drupal\commerce_reports\Tests;

class CommerceReportsPaymentMethodTestCase extends CommerceReportsBaseTestCase {
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Payment method reports',
      'description' => 'Test the payment method reports.',
      'group' => 'Commerce Reports',
  public function testExampleMethod() {
      ->createOrders(10, TRUE);
    $transactions = 0;
    $revenue = 0;
    foreach ($this->orders as $order) {
      $revenue += $order['commerce_transaction']->amount;
    $report = views_get_view_result('commerce_reports_payment_methods', 'default');
      ->assertEqual(count($report), 1, t('Exactly one payment method was reported upon.'));
    foreach ($report as $line) {
        ->assertEqual($line->commerce_payment_transaction_payment_method, 'commerce_payment_example', t('The example payment method was used for this transaction.'));
        ->assertEqual($line->transaction_id, $transactions, t('The right amount of transactions were reported.'));
        ->assertEqual($line->commerce_payment_transaction_amount, $revenue, t('The right amount of revenue was reported.'));
