core.entity_form_display.commerce_subscription.standalone.customer.yml in Commerce Recurring Framework 8
1 string reference to 'core.entity_form_display.commerce_subscription.standalone.customer'
- commerce_recurring_post_update_4 in ./
commerce_recurring.post_update.php - Add the new 'Customer' Subscription form mode and displays.
config/install/core.entity_form_display.commerce_subscription.standalone.customer.ymlView source
- langcode: en
- status: true
- dependencies:
- config:
- - core.entity_form_mode.commerce_subscription.customer
- module:
- - commerce_recurring
- id: commerce_subscription.standalone.customer
- targetEntityType: commerce_subscription
- bundle: standalone
- mode: customer
- content:
- payment_method:
- type: commerce_recurring_payment_method
- weight: 0
- region: content
- settings:
- match_operator: CONTAINS
- match_limit: 10
- size: 60
- placeholder: ''
- third_party_settings: { }
- hidden:
- billing_schedule: true
- ends: true
- quantity: true
- starts: true
- store_id: true
- title: true
- trial_ends: true
- trial_starts: true
- uid: true
- unit_price: true