public function CommercePriceTableTest::testCommercePriceTableCreateField in Commerce Price Table 7
Test if the field is correctly created and attached to the product entity.
- tests/
commerce_price_table.test, line 107 - Functional tests for the commerce price table module.
- CommercePriceTableTest
- Test price table features.
public function testCommercePriceTableCreateField() {
// Check at database level.
->assertTrue(in_array('product', $this->field['bundles']['commerce_product']), t('Field is present in the product bundle'));
->assertTrue($this->field_instance['field_name'] == $this->field_name, t('Field instance is present in the product bundle'));
// Access product fields admin and check if the price table field is there.
->assertText('Price table', t('Price table field label found in the product fields admin screen'));
->assertText($this->field_name, t('Price table field name found in the product fields admin screen'));
// Check if it's configured to unlimited.
->drupalGet('admin/commerce/products/types/product/fields/' . $this->field_name);
->assertOptionSelected('edit-field-cardinality', -1, t('Price table field is configured to have unlimited values'));
// When creating a product, verify that the field is there.
->assertText('Price table', t('Price table field label found in the add product form.'));
->assertFieldByName($this->field_name . '[und][0][amount]', NULL, t('Price table amount is present'));
->assertFieldByName($this->field_name . '[und][0][min_qty]', NULL, t('Price table min quantity is present'));
->assertFieldByName($this->field_name . '[und][0][max_qty]', NULL, t('Price table max quantity is present'));
->assertFieldById('edit-field-price-table-und-add-more', t('Add another item'), t('\'Add another item\' button is present'));