protected function Payflow::getExpirationDate in Commerce PayPal 8
Formats the expiration date from the provided payment details.
PayPal requires the expiration date to be in MMYY format. Using a four-digit year (MMYYYY) will cause some banks to decline transactions because the expiration date is considered invalid. For example, 072018 will be interpreted as 0720 instead of 0718.
array $payment_details: The payment details.
Return value
string The expiration date, in the MMYY format.
1 call to Payflow::getExpirationDate()
- Payflow::createPaymentMethod in src/
Plugin/ Commerce/ PaymentGateway/ Payflow.php - Creates a payment method with the given payment details.
- src/
Plugin/ Commerce/ PaymentGateway/ Payflow.php, line 181
- Payflow
- Provides the PayPal Payflow payment gateway.
protected function getExpirationDate(array $payment_details) {
$date = \DateTime::createFromFormat('Y', $payment_details['expiration']['year']);
return $payment_details['expiration']['month'] . $date