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10 calls to commerce_paypal_price_amount() in Commerce PayPal 7.2

commerce_payflow_link_create_secure_token in modules/payflow/commerce_payflow.module
Requests a Secure Token from Payflow for use in follow-up API requests.
commerce_payflow_link_itemize_order in modules/payflow/commerce_payflow.module
Returns an itemized order data array for use in a name-value pair array.
commerce_paypal_ec_capture_form_submit in modules/ec/includes/
Submit handler: process a prior authorization capture via PayPal EC.
commerce_paypal_ec_do_payment in modules/ec/commerce_paypal_ec.module
Confirm an Express Checkout payment for an order for the specified charge amount with a DoExpressCheckoutPayment API request.
commerce_paypal_ec_itemize_order in modules/ec/commerce_paypal_ec.module
Returns a name-value pair array of information to the API request.
commerce_paypal_ec_refund_form_submit in modules/ec/includes/
Submit handler: process a refund request.
commerce_paypal_ec_set_express_checkout in modules/ec/commerce_paypal_ec.module
Submits a SetExpressCheckout request to PayPal for the given order.
commerce_paypal_wpp_capture_form_submit in modules/wpp/includes/
Submit handler: process a prior authorization capture via WPP.
commerce_paypal_wpp_submit_form_submit in modules/wpp/commerce_paypal_wpp.module
Payment method callback: checkout form submission.
commerce_paypal_wps_order_form in modules/wps/commerce_paypal_wps.module
Builds a Website Payments Standard form from an order object.