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commerce_payleap.test in Commerce Payleap 7

Functional tests for the commerce payment module user interface.


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 * @file
 * Functional tests for the commerce payment module user interface.

 * Test payment user interface.
class CommercePayleapTest extends CommerceBaseTestCase {

   * Order object.
  protected $order;

   * Implementation of getInfo().
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'PayLeap transaction test',
      'description' => 'Test PayLeap service.',
      'group' => 'Drupal Commerce PayLeap',

   * Implementation of setUp().
  function setUp() {
    $modules = parent::setUpHelper('all');
    $modules[] = 'commerce_payleap';

    // User creation for different operations.
    $this->store_admin = $this
    $this->store_customer = $this

    // The rule that sends a mail after checkout completion should be disabled
    //  as it returns an error caused by how mail messages are stored.
    $rules_config = rules_config_load('commerce_checkout_order_email');
    $rules_config->active = FALSE;

   * Return an array with credit card info.
  protected function createDummyCreditCardInfo($order, $transaction_type = 'Sale', $credit_card_number = '5555555555554444') {
    $order_wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper('commerce_order', $order);
    $billing_data = commerce_payleap_get_billing_info($order);
    return array(
      'TransType' => $transaction_type,
      'CardNum' => $credit_card_number,
      'ExpDate' => '0420',
      'CVNum' => '123',
      'Amount' => commerce_currency_amount_to_decimal($order_wrapper->commerce_order_total->amount
        ->value(), $order_wrapper->commerce_order_total->currency_code
      'MagData' => '',
      'NameOnCard' => $billing_data['name_on_card'],
      'InvNum' => $this->order->order_number,
      'Street' => $billing_data['street'],
      'Zip' => $billing_data['zip'],
      'ExtData' => $billing_data['ext_data'],

   *  Return an array with PayLeap settings
  protected function getPayleapSettings($transaction_type = PAYLEAP_TXN_TYPE_DIRECT_CAPTURE) {
    return array(
      'settings' => array(
        // API credentials
        'login' => 'commerceguys_demo_API',
        'tran_key' => 'Un2^eXMBCRJ7WSeQ',
        'vendor_number' => '761',
        'txn_payleap_type' => $transaction_type,
        'txn_mode' => PAYLEAP_TXN_MODE_TEST,
        'log' => array(
          'request' => 'request',
          'response' => 'response',

   * Test the PayLeap direct transaction.
  public function testCommercePayleapDirectTransaction() {
    $user = $this->store_customer;

    // Log in as normal user.
    $product = $this
      ->randomName(), $this
      ->randomName(), 2, 'USD', $this->store_admin->uid);
    $this->order = $this
      ->createDummyOrder($user->uid, array(
      $product->product_id => 20,

    // Generate random information, as city, postal code, etc.
    $payment_method = $this
    $info = $this
    $response = commerce_payleap_request($payment_method, $info);

   * Test the PayLeap Auth transaction.
  public function testCommercePayleapAuthTransaction() {
    $user = $this->store_customer;

    // Log in as normal user.
    $product = $this
      ->randomName(), $this
      ->randomName(), 2, 'USD', $this->store_admin->uid);
    $this->order = $this
      ->createDummyOrder($user->uid, array(
      $product->product_id => 20,

    // Generate random information, as city, postal code, etc.
    $payment_method = $this

    // We must pass a new credit card to avoid Duplicate transaction error.
    $info = $this
      ->createDummyCreditCardInfo($this->order, 'Auth', '4012888888881881');
    $response = commerce_payleap_request($payment_method, $info);
  public function testCommercePayleapCardonFileTranscation() {
    $user = $this->store_customer;

    // Log in as normal user.

    // Create a billing profile.
    $address_info = array(
      'commerce_customer_address' => array(
        'first_name' => $this
        'last_name' => $this
        'organisation_name' => $this
    $profile = $this
      ->createDummyCustomerProfile('billing', $user->uid, $address_info);
    $product = $this
      ->randomName(), $this
      ->randomName(), 2, 'USD', $this->store_admin->uid);
    $this->order = $this
      ->createDummyOrder($user->uid, array(
      $product->product_id => 20,
    ), 'cart', $profile->profile_id);

    // Generate random information, as city, postal code, etc.
    $payment_method = $this
    $info = $this
      ->createDummyCreditCardInfo($this->order, 'Sale', '4444424444444440');

    // Create Customer Profile.
    $profile_response = commerce_payleap_customer_profile_request($payment_method, $this->order, array(), 'Add');
    if ($this
      ->assertNotEqual(FALSE, $profile_response['status'])) {
      $info['CustomerKey'] = (string) $profile_response['xml']->CustomerKey;

      // Create CreditCardInfo.
      $card_response = commerce_payleap_card_profile_request($payment_method, $info, 'Add');
      if ($this
        ->assertNotEqual(FALSE, $card_response['status'])) {
        $info['CcInfoKey'] = (string) $card_response['xml']->CcInfoKey;
        $response = commerce_payleap_request($payment_method, $info);



Namesort descending Description
CommercePayleapTest Test payment user interface.