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commerce_node_checkout.api.php in Commerce Node Checkout 7

Provides example hooks defined by the module.


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 * @file
 * Provides example hooks defined by the module.

 * Implements hook_commerce_node_checkout_line_item_alter
 * Allows modules to interact with the line item to be added to the cart
 * before it is saved. Modules can't use hook_commerce_line_item_alter or
 * other entity alter functions because they don't have the $node object or
 * the associated (selected) product in scope which this hook does.
 * @param object $line_item
 *   The commerce line item about to be added to the cart
 * @param object $product
 *   The commerce product option selection by the node author
 * @param object $node
 *   The node object created by the author
function hook_commerce_node_checkout_line_item_alter(&$line_item, $product, $node) {

  // Load the interval field from the product.
  $interval = field_get_items('commerce_product', $product, 'commerce_node_checkout_expire');
  if ($interval && !empty($interval['0'])) {

    // We have an expiry field - apply it.
    $due_date_obj = new DateObject('now');
    if (interval_apply_interval($due_date_obj, $interval)) {

      // Update the expiry field on the line item.
      $line_item->commerce_node_checkout_expires[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['value'] = $due_date_obj


Namesort descending Description
hook_commerce_node_checkout_line_item_alter Implements hook_commerce_node_checkout_line_item_alter