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public function MigrateDestinationCommerceProductType::fields in Commerce Migrate 7

Returns a list of fields available to be mapped.

Return value

array Keys: machine names of the fields (to be passed to addFieldMapping) Values: Human-friendly descriptions of the fields.

Overrides MigrateDestination::fields


plugins/destinations/, line 30
Support for commerce product types.


Destination class implementing migration into commerce product types.


public function fields() {
  $fields = array();
  $fields['type'] = t('Machine name.');
  $fields['name'] = t('Human-readable name.');
  $fields['description'] = t('Brief description');
  $fields['help'] = t('Help text');
  $fields['is_new'] = t('Option: Indicates a new product type with the specified machine name should be created');
  return $fields;