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public function PrepareRow::onPrepareRow in Commerce Migrate 3.1.x

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.2 modules/ubercart/src/EventSubscriber/PrepareRow.php \Drupal\commerce_migrate_ubercart\EventSubscriber\PrepareRow::onPrepareRow()
  2. 3.0.x modules/ubercart/src/EventSubscriber/PrepareRow.php \Drupal\commerce_migrate_ubercart\EventSubscriber\PrepareRow::onPrepareRow()

Responds to prepare row event.

Since products are nodes in Ubercart 6 and Ubercart 7 migrations, primarily the field and node mirations are alterd to prevent the duplication of products as nodes and that fields are on the correct entities. The approach is to change the source entity type to commerce_product when the node is a product node or the field is used on a product node. Some fields need to be created on both a node and a product as well. These changes work in conjunction with alteration in hook_migration_plugins_alter() in commerce_migrate_ubercart.module.

By modify the row early or creating a new row allows the migration to behave as if an entity_type of commerce_product really exists on the source site. And in doing so, other migration using a migration_lookup will have the data needed in the map table.

An example of this is the d7_field migration. This migration is altered to use a custom source plugin which add rows to be processed. New rows are added for the commerce_product version of the field if the field must be on a product node and any other entity.

Node type: Sets property 'product_type'. Field: Set the entity_type. Field instance, Field formatter, Field widget, View mode: Set the entity type.


\Drupal\migrate_plus\Event\MigratePrepareRowEvent $event: The event.

See also




modules/ubercart/src/EventSubscriber/PrepareRow.php, line 87


Handles migrate_plus prepare row event.




public function onPrepareRow(MigratePrepareRowEvent $event) {
  $migration = $event
  $row = $event
  $source_plugin = $migration
  if (Utility::classInArray($source_plugin, [
  ])) {

    // For Node Type migrations, i.e. d6_node_type, set product_type so all
    // product type rows are skipped.
    $node_type = $row
    $this->productTypes = $this
      ->setSourceProperty('product_type', TRUE);
    if (in_array($node_type, $this->productTypes)) {
        ->setSourceProperty('product_type', NULL);

  // The d6_field migration.
  if (is_a($source_plugin, D6Field::class)) {
    $this->productTypes = $this
    $field_name = $row

    // Get all the instances of this field.
    $query = $this->connection
      ->select('content_node_field', 'cnf')
      ->fields('cnfi', [
      ->innerJoin('content_node_field_instance', 'cnfi', 'cnfi.field_name = cnf.field_name');
      ->condition('cnf.field_name', $field_name);
    $instances = $query

    // Determine if the field is on both a product type and node, or just one
    // of product type or node.
    $i = 0;
    foreach ($instances as $instance) {
      if (in_array($instance, $this->productTypes)) {
    if ($i > 0) {
      if ($i == count($instances)) {

        // If all bundles for this field are product types, then change the
        // entity type to 'commerce_product'.
          ->setSourceProperty('entity_type', 'commerce_product');
      else {

        // This field is used on both nodes and products. Set
        // ubercart_entity_type so that field storage is created for the
        // ubercart product.
          ->setSourceProperty('ubercart_entity_type', 'commerce_product');
          ->setSourceProperty('entity_type', 'node');
    else {

      // This field is used on just nodes. Set the entity_type to 'node'.
        ->setSourceProperty('entity_type', 'node');
  if (Utility::classInArray($source_plugin, [
  ], FALSE)) {
    if (!$this
      ->setEntityType($row, $migration, $row
      ->getSourceProperty('type_name'))) {
        ->setSourceProperty('entity_type', 'node');
  if (Utility::classInArray($source_plugin, [
  ], FALSE)) {

    // If needed, change the entity type to commerce_product.
      ->setCommerceProductProperty($row, $migration, $row
  if (is_a($source_plugin, LanguageContentSettings::class)) {

    // There are two language_content_settings migrations, the core one for
    // nodes and one for products. Allow the core one to only save language
    // content settings for nodes and the latter for products.
    $node_type = $row
    $this->productTypes = $this
      ->setSourceProperty('product_type', TRUE);
    if (in_array($node_type, $this->productTypes)) {
      $source = $row
      $type = $source['constants']['target_type'];
      if ($type == 'node') {

        // This is the core language content settings migration, do not
        // migrate this product type row.
          ->setSourceProperty('product_type', NULL);