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commerce1_payment_gateway.yml in Commerce Migrate 8.2



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  1. id: commerce1_payment_gateway
  2. label: Commerce payment gateway
  3. migration_tags:
  4. - Drupal 7
  5. - Commerce
  6. - Configuration
  7. source:
  8. plugin: commerce1_payment_gateway
  9. constants:
  10. plugin: manual
  11. process:
  12. id:
  13. plugin: machine_name
  14. source: payment_method
  15. label: payment_method
  16. # Migrated payments are considered historical and should not initiate real
  17. # transactions; therefore the manual payment gateway is used.
  18. plugin: 'constants/plugin'
  19. destination:
  20. plugin: 'entity:commerce_payment_gateway'
  21. destination_module: commerce_payment_gateway