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commerce1_order_item.yml in Commerce Migrate 3.1.x



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  1. id: commerce1_order_item
  2. label: Commerce order item
  3. deriver: Drupal\commerce_migrate_commerce\Plugin\migrate\OrderItemDeriver
  4. migration_tags:
  5. - Drupal 7
  6. - Commerce
  7. - Content
  8. source:
  9. plugin: commerce1_line_item
  10. process:
  11. order_item_id: line_item_id
  12. revision_id: revision_id
  13. type:
  14. -
  15. plugin: static_map
  16. source: type
  17. bypass: true
  18. map:
  19. # Shipping is done in the order migration.
  20. shipping: false
  21. # Discounts are migrated with product line items, not individually.
  22. commerce_discount: false
  23. -
  24. plugin: skip_on_empty
  25. method: row
  26. -
  27. plugin: default_value
  28. default_value: default
  29. uid: uid
  30. status: status
  31. created: created
  32. changed: changed
  33. title: title
  34. purchased_entity:
  35. plugin: migration_lookup
  36. migration: commerce1_product_variation
  37. source: commerce_product
  38. quantity: quantity
  39. adjustments:
  40. -
  41. plugin: commerce1_order_item_discount_adjustment
  42. source: order_components/0/data/components
  43. -
  44. plugin: commerce_adjustments
  45. uses_legacy_adjustments:
  46. plugin: default_value
  47. default_value: false
  48. destination:
  49. plugin: entity:commerce_order_item
  50. destination_module: commerce_order
  51. migration_dependencies:
  52. required:
  53. - commerce1_store
  54. - commerce1_product_variation
  55. - commerce1_order_item_type
  56. optional:
  57. - d7_field_instance