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public function LicenseStateChangeTest::testLicenseStateChanges in Commerce License 8.2

Tests that changes to a license's state causes the plugin to react.


tests/src/Kernel/LicenseStateChangeTest.php, line 47


Tests changes to the license state have the correct effects.




public function testLicenseStateChanges() {
  $owner = $this

  // Create a license in the 'new' state.
  $license = $this->licenseStorage
    'type' => 'state_change_test',
    'state' => 'new',
    'product_variation' => 1,
    'uid' => $owner
    // Use the unlimited expiry plugin as it's simple.
    'expiration_type' => [
      'target_plugin_id' => 'unlimited',
      'target_plugin_configuration' => [],

  // The license is not active: the plugin should not react.
    ->get('commerce_license_state_change_test'), NULL);

  // Activate the license: this puts it into the 'pending' state.
  $transition = $license

  // The license is not active: the plugin should not react.
    ->get('commerce_license_state_change_test'), NULL);

  // Confirm the license: this puts it into the 'active' state.
  $transition = $license

  // The license is now active: the plugin should be called.
    ->get('commerce_license_state_change_test'), 'grantLicense');

  // Reset the test tracking state.
    ->set('commerce_license_state_change_test', NULL);

  // Save the license again without changing its state.

  // The license is unchanged: the plugin should not react.
    ->get('commerce_license_state_change_test'), NULL);

  // Suspend the license.
  $transition = $license

  // The license is now inactive: the plugin should be called.
    ->get('commerce_license_state_change_test'), 'revokeLicense');

  // Reset the test tracking state.
    ->set('commerce_license_state_change_test', NULL);

  // Revoke the license.
  $transition = $license

  // Although the license state changed, it has gone from one inactive state
  // to another: the plugin should not react.
    ->get('commerce_license_state_change_test'), NULL);

  // Reset the test tracking state.
    ->set('commerce_license_state_change_test', NULL);

  // Test creating a license initially in the active state.
  $license = $this->licenseStorage
    'type' => 'state_change_test',
    'state' => 'active',
    'product_variation' => 1,
    'uid' => 1,
    'expiration_type' => [
      'target_plugin_id' => 'unlimited',
      'target_plugin_configuration' => [],

  // The license is created active: the plugin should be called.
    ->get('commerce_license_state_change_test'), 'grantLicense');