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commerce-license-expire.html.twig in Commerce License 8.2

Template for the license expiry mail.

Available variables:

  • license_entity: The license entity.
  • purchased_entity: The entity which was purchased to obtain this license.
  • purchased_entity_url: The URL of the purchased entity.


View source
  1. {#
  2. /**
  3. * @file
  4. * Template for the license expiry mail.
  5. *
  6. * Available variables:
  7. * - license_entity: The license entity.
  8. * - purchased_entity: The entity which was purchased to obtain this license.
  9. * - purchased_entity_url: The URL of the purchased entity.
  10. *
  11. * @ingroup themeable
  12. */
  13. #}
  14. <table style="margin: 15px auto 0 auto; max-width: 768px; font-family: arial,sans-serif">
  15. <tbody>
  16. <tr>
  17. <td>
  18. {#
  19. TODO: restore this when the store is available from the license.
  20. See TODO in LicenseExpireNotify::process().
  21. <table style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; max-width: 768px; text-align: center;">
  22. <tbody>
  23. <tr>
  24. <td>
  25. <a href="{{ url('<front>') }}" style="color: #0e69be; text-decoration: none; font-weight: bold; margin-top: 15px;">{{ order_entity.getStore.label }}</a>
  26. </td>
  27. </tr>
  28. </tbody>
  29. </table>
  30. #}
  31. <table style="text-align: center; min-width: 450px; margin: 5px auto 0 auto; border: 1px solid #cccccc; border-radius: 5px; padding: 40px 30px 30px 30px;">
  32. <tbody>
  33. <tr>
  34. <td style="font-size: 30px; padding-bottom: 30px">{{ 'License Expiry'|t }}</td>
  35. </tr>
  36. <tr>
  37. <td style="font-weight: bold; padding-top:15px; padding-bottom: 15px; text-align: left; border-top: 1px solid #cccccc; border-bottom: 1px solid #cccccc">
  38. {{ 'Your purchase of @license has now expired.'|t({'@license': license_entity.label}) }}
  39. {% if (purchased_entity) %}
  40. {{ 'You may renew it by repurchasing <a href="@product-url">@product-label</a>.'|t({
  41. '@product-url': purchased_entity_url.toString,
  42. '@product-label': purchased_entity.label,
  43. }) }}
  44. {% endif %}
  45. </td>
  46. </tr>
  47. </tbody>
  48. </table>
  49. </td>
  50. </tr>
  51. </tbody>
  52. </table>