You are here in Commerce License 7

Abstract and interface plugin implementation.


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 * @file
 * Abstract and interface plugin implementation.

 * Provide a separate Exception so it can be caught separately.
class CommerceLicenseException extends Exception {


 * Ensures basic required behavior for a license.
 * EntityBundlePluginProvideFieldsInterface also mandates a fields() method.
interface CommerceLicenseInterface extends EntityBundlePluginProvideFieldsInterface {

   * Returns an html representation of the access details.
   * The information contained within should be the required minimum
   * for the customer to access the resource he purchased the rights to.
   * If the customer purchased a file license, this method would output
   * the link to that file.
   * If the customer purchased a software subscription and the service
   * returned access credentials, this method would return those
   * access credentials.
   * @return
   *   An html string with the access details.
  public function accessDetails();

   * Returns whether a license is configurable.
   * Configurable licenses are editable by the customer, either through
   * the add to cart form (via Inline Entity Form) or through a checkout pane.
   * The output of this method determines whether form(), formValidate()
   * and formSubmit() will be called.
   * @return
   *   TRUE if the license is configurable, FALSE otherwise.
  public function isConfigurable();

   * Provides the license form.
   * @param $form
   *   The license form. Might be embedded in another form through
   *   Inline Entity Form.
   * @param $form_state
   *   The form state of the complete form.
   *   Always use drupal_array_get_nested_value() instead of accessing
   *   $form_state['values'] directly.
  public function form(&$form, &$form_state);

   * Validates the license form.
   * @param $form
   *   The license form. Might be embedded in another form through
   *   Inline Entity Form, so form['#parents'] needs to be taken into account
   *   when fetching values and setting errors.
   * @param $form_state
   *   The form state of the complete form.
   *   Always use drupal_array_get_nested_value() instead of accessing
   *   $form_state['values'] directly.
  public function formValidate($form, &$form_state);

   * Submits the license form.
   * @param $form
   *   The license form. Might be embedded in another form through
   *   Inline Entity Form, so form['#parents'] needs to be taken into account
   *   when fetching values and setting errors.
   * @param $form_state
   *   The form state of the complete form.
   *   Always use drupal_array_get_nested_value() instead of accessing
   *   $form_state['values'] directly.
  public function formSubmit(&$form, $form_state);

   * Returns the html message to be shown to the customer on checkout complete.
   * Called by the commerce_license_complete checkout pane.
   * @return
   *   The html message to be shown to the customer.
  public function checkoutCompletionMessage();

   * Activates the license.
  public function activate();

   * Expires the license.
  public function expire();

   * Suspends the license.
  public function suspend();

   * Revokes the license.
  public function revoke();

   * Renews the license.
   * @param $expires
   *   The new expiration timestamp.
  public function renew($expires);


 * Marks a license as synchronizable with a remote service.
 * All synchronizable licenses are queued when the order has been paid, and
 * then processed by Advanced queue.
interface CommerceLicenseSynchronizableInterface {

   * Perform synchronization.
   * @return
   *   TRUE if the synchronization was successful, FALSE otherwise.
  public function synchronize();


 * License base class.
 * Remote license types should inherit CommerceLicenseRemoteBase instead.
abstract class CommerceLicenseBase extends Entity implements CommerceLicenseInterface, EntityBundlePluginValidableInterface {

   * The license id.
   * @var integer
  public $license_id;

   * The revision id.
   * @var integer
  public $revision_id;

   * The license type (bundle).
   * @var string
  public $type;

   * The uid of the license owner.
   * @var integer
  public $uid;

   * The product_id of the licensed product.
   * @var integer
  public $product_id;

   * The license status.
   * @var integer
  public $status = COMMERCE_LICENSE_CREATED;

   * The date (unix timestamp) when the license was granted.
   * @var integer
  public $granted = 0;

   * The date (unix timestamp) when the license expires. 0 for never.
   * @var integer
  public $expires = 0;

   * Whether the module should expire the license automatically.
   * If TRUE, the license that has expired according to its 'expires' timestamp
   * will be processed on cron and its status set to COMMERCE_LICENSE_EXPIRED.
   * If FALSE, the license will be left alone, usually because it is already
   * being handled by a recurring billing module.
   * @var bool
  public $expires_automatically = TRUE;

   * License metadata wrapper.
   * @var EntityDrupalWrapper
  public $wrapper;

   * Constructor.
   * @see Entity::__construct()
  public function __construct(array $values = array(), $entityType = NULL) {
    parent::__construct($values, 'commerce_license');
    $this->wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper($this->entityType, $this);

   * Implements EntityBundlePluginProvideFieldsInterface::fields().
  static function fields() {
    $fields = array();
    $fields['num_renewals']['field'] = array(
      'type' => 'number_integer',
      'cardinality' => 1,
    $fields['num_renewals']['instance'] = array(
      'label' => t('Number of renewals'),
    return $fields;

   * Implements CommerceLicenseInterface::accessDetails().
  public function accessDetails() {

   * Implements CommerceLicenseInterface::isConfigurable().
  public function isConfigurable() {
    return FALSE;

   * Implements CommerceLicenseInterface::form().
  public function form(&$form, &$form_state) {
    field_attach_form('commerce_license', $this, $form, $form_state, LANGUAGE_NONE);

    // The num_renewals field should not be editable by the customer.
    $form['num_renewals']['#access'] = FALSE;

   * Implements CommerceLicenseInterface::formValidate().
  public function formValidate($form, &$form_state) {
    field_attach_form_validate('commerce_license', $this, $form, $form_state);

   * Implements CommerceLicenseInterface::formSubmit().
  public function formSubmit(&$form, $form_state) {
    field_attach_submit('commerce_license', $this, $form, $form_state);

   * Implements CommerceLicenseInterface::checkoutCompletionMessage().
  public function checkoutCompletionMessage() {

   * Implements CommerceLicenseInterface::activate().
  public function activate() {
    $this->status = COMMERCE_LICENSE_ACTIVE;

   * Implements CommerceLicenseInterface::expire().
  public function expire() {
    $this->status = COMMERCE_LICENSE_EXPIRED;

   * Implements CommerceLicenseInterface::suspend().
  public function suspend() {

   * Implements CommerceLicenseInterface::revoke().
  public function revoke() {
    $this->status = COMMERCE_LICENSE_REVOKED;

   * Implements CommerceLicenseInterface::renew().
  public function renew($expires) {
    $num_renewals = (int) $this->wrapper->num_renewals
    $this->wrapper->num_renewals = $num_renewals + 1;
    $this->expires = $expires;

   * Overrides Entity::save().
  public function save() {
    $granted = FALSE;
    if (!empty($this->license_id)) {
      $this->original = entity_load_unchanged('commerce_license', $this->license_id);
      if ($this->status > $this->original->status && $this->status == COMMERCE_LICENSE_ACTIVE) {

        // The license was updated, and its status was changed to active.
        $granted = TRUE;
    else {
      $this->wrapper->num_renewals = 0;
      if ($this->status == COMMERCE_LICENSE_ACTIVE) {

        // The license was created with an active status.
        $granted = TRUE;

    // The license was just activated, set the granted timestamp and calculate
    // the expiration timestamp. Only do that if the timestamps are currently
    // empty (they might be set already, for example during a migration).
    if ($granted && empty($this->granted)) {
      $this->granted = commerce_license_get_time();
      $duration = $this->wrapper->product->commerce_license_duration
      if ($duration > 0 && empty($this->expires)) {
        $this->expires = $this->granted + $duration;

   * Implements EntityBundlePluginValidableInterface::isValid().
  public static function isValid() {
    return TRUE;


 * Remote license base class.
abstract class CommerceLicenseRemoteBase extends CommerceLicenseBase implements CommerceLicenseSynchronizableInterface {

   * Constructor.
   * @see Entity::__construct()
  public function __construct(array $values = array(), $entityType = NULL) {
    parent::__construct($values, $entityType);

    // Initialize the sync status.
    // The [LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['value'] = 0; default is then added automatically.
    if (!isset($this->sync_status)) {
      $this->sync_status = array();

   * Implements EntityBundlePluginProvideFieldsInterface::fields().
  static function fields() {
    $fields = parent::fields();
    $fields['sync_status']['field'] = array(
      'type' => 'list_integer',
      'cardinality' => 1,
      'settings' => array(
        'allowed_values' => array(
          0 => t('N/A'),
          COMMERCE_LICENSE_NEEDS_SYNC => t('Needs synchronization'),
          COMMERCE_LICENSE_SYNCED => t('Synchronized'),
          COMMERCE_LICENSE_SYNC_FAILED => t('Synchronization failed'),
    $fields['sync_status']['instance'] = array(
      'label' => t('Synchronization status'),
      'required' => TRUE,
      'widget' => array(
        'type' => 'options_select',
    return $fields;

   * Overrides CommerceLicenseBase::form().
  public function form(&$form, &$form_state) {
    parent::form($form, $form_state);

    // The sync status should not be editable by the customer.
    $form['sync_status']['#access'] = FALSE;

   * Implements CommerceLicenseSynchronizableInterface::synchronize().
  public function synchronize() {
    return TRUE;

   * Overrides CommerceLicenseBase::checkoutCompletionMessage().
  public function checkoutCompletionMessage() {
    $message = '';
    $sync_status = $this->wrapper->sync_status
    switch ($sync_status) {
        $message = t("Please wait while we're contacting the remote service...");
        $message = 'Your license has been successfully created: <br />';
        $message .= $this
        $message = t('Your license has been queued for processing.');
        $message = t('Oops... We were unable to generate your credentials.');
    return $message;

   * Overrides CommerceLicenseBase::activate().
  public function activate($sync = TRUE) {
    if ($sync) {

      // The license will be activated after the initial synchronization.
      $this->wrapper->status = COMMERCE_LICENSE_PENDING;
      $this->wrapper->sync_status = COMMERCE_LICENSE_NEEDS_SYNC;
    else {
      $this->wrapper->status = COMMERCE_LICENSE_ACTIVE;

   * Overrides CommerceLicenseBase::expire().
  public function expire($sync = TRUE) {
    if ($sync) {
      $this->wrapper->sync_status = COMMERCE_LICENSE_NEEDS_SYNC;
    $this->wrapper->status = COMMERCE_LICENSE_EXPIRED;

   * Overrides CommerceLicenseBase::suspend().
  public function suspend($sync = TRUE) {
    if ($sync) {
      $this->wrapper->sync_status = COMMERCE_LICENSE_NEEDS_SYNC;
    $this->wrapper->status = COMMERCE_LICENSE_SUSPENDED;

   * Overrides CommerceLicenseBase::revoke().
  public function revoke($sync = TRUE) {
    if ($sync) {
      $this->wrapper->sync_status = COMMERCE_LICENSE_NEEDS_SYNC;
    $this->wrapper->status = COMMERCE_LICENSE_REVOKED;

   * Overrides Entity::save().
  public function save() {

    // If this is an update, get the original sync status for later comparison.
    $original_sync_status = NULL;
    if (!empty($this->license_id)) {
      $this->original = entity_load_unchanged('commerce_license', $this->license_id);
      $original_sync_status = $this->original->wrapper->sync_status
      $sync_status = $this->wrapper->sync_status
      $sync_status_changed = $original_sync_status != $sync_status;
      $synced = $sync_status == COMMERCE_LICENSE_SYNCED;
      $pending = $this->status == COMMERCE_LICENSE_PENDING;

      // A pending license was just synchronized, update its status.
      if ($pending && $sync_status_changed && $synced) {
        $this->status = COMMERCE_LICENSE_ACTIVE;

    // Perform the save. This allows a presave / insert / update hook to
    // request synchronization by changing the sync_status field.

    // Enqueue the sync if needed. Make sure not to enqueue if the license
    // alredy needed sync before this update.
    $sync_status = $this->wrapper->sync_status
    $needs_sync = $sync_status == COMMERCE_LICENSE_NEEDS_SYNC;
    $new_license = empty($this->license_id);
    $sync_status_changed = $original_sync_status != $sync_status;
    if ($needs_sync && ($new_license || $sync_status_changed)) {

   * Overrides CommerceLicenseBase::isValid().
  public static function isValid() {
    $valid = parent::isValid();

    // Remote license types can't be used without the advancedqueue module.
    return $valid && module_exists('advancedqueue');


 * Broken implementation of a type plugin.
 * Used as a fallback when the actual type plugin can't be loaded.
class CommerceLicenseBroken extends CommerceLicenseBase {

   * Throw an exception.
  public function __construct($values = array(), $entityType = NULL) {
    throw new CommerceLicenseException('Attempted to instantiate a broken license type plugin');

   * Implements EntityBundlePluginValidableInterface::isValid().
  public static function isValid() {
    return FALSE;



Namesort descending Description
CommerceLicenseBase License base class.
CommerceLicenseBroken Broken implementation of a type plugin. Used as a fallback when the actual type plugin can't be loaded.
CommerceLicenseException Provide a separate Exception so it can be caught separately.
CommerceLicenseRemoteBase Remote license base class.


Namesort descending Description
CommerceLicenseInterface Ensures basic required behavior for a license.
CommerceLicenseSynchronizableInterface Marks a license as synchronizable with a remote service.