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public function CommerceInvoiceEntityController::buildContent in Commerce Invoice 7

Builds a structured array representing the entity's content.

The content built for the entity will vary depending on the $view_mode parameter.


$entity: An entity object.

$view_mode: View mode, e.g. 'administrator'

$langcode: (optional) A language code to use for rendering. Defaults to the global content language of the current request.

Return value

The renderable array.

Overrides DrupalCommerceEntityController::buildContent


includes/, line 254
The controller for the invoice entity containing the CRUD operations.


The controller class for invoices contains methods for the order CRUD operations. The load method is inherited from the default controller.


public function buildContent($invoice, $view_mode = 'administrator', $langcode = NULL, $content = array()) {

  // Load the order this invoice is attached to.
  $order = commerce_order_load($invoice->order_id);
  $order_build_content = entity_build_content('commerce_order', $order, $view_mode, $langcode);
  foreach ($order_build_content as $field => $instance) {
    if (substr($field, 0, 1) != '#' || $field == '#attached') {
      $content[$field] = $instance;
  $content['invoice_number'] = array(
    '#markup' => theme('commerce_invoice_number', array(
      'invoice_number' => $invoice->invoice_number,
      'label' => t('Invoice number:'),
      'invoice' => $invoice,
  $content['created'] = array(
    '#markup' => theme('commerce_invoice_created', array(
      'created' => format_date($invoice->created, 'short'),
      'label' => t('Date:'),
      'invoice' => $invoice,
  return parent::buildContent($invoice, $view_mode, $langcode, $content);