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public function LicenseFileManager::getActiveLicenses in Commerce File 8.2

Returns active licenses for the given file and the given user, optionally restricted to licenses referencing the given purchasable entity.

A file could be sold from multiple products. The user's active licenses for all of them are loaded, and the first eligible one is returned.


\Drupal\file\FileInterface $file: The file.

\Drupal\Core\Session\AccountInterface|null $account: The account to check for. If null, the current user is used instead.

\Drupal\commerce\PurchasableEntityInterface|null $purchasable_entity: (optional) The purchasable entity.

Return value

\Drupal\commerce_license\Entity\LicenseInterface[] The active licenses for the given file if found, an empty array otherwise.

Overrides LicenseFileManagerInterface::getActiveLicenses


src/LicenseFileManager.php, line 115


Provides a service for managing licensed files.




public function getActiveLicenses(FileInterface $file, AccountInterface $account = NULL, PurchasableEntityInterface $purchasable_entity = NULL) {
  $account = $account ?: $this->currentUser;

  // Static cache key of active licenses.
  $cache_key_components = [
  if ($purchasable_entity) {
    $cache_key_components[] = $purchasable_entity
  $cache_key = implode(':', $cache_key_components);
  if (array_key_exists($cache_key, $this->licenses)) {
    return $this->licenses[$cache_key];
  $this->licenses[$cache_key] = [];
  if ($purchasable_entity) {
    $product_variation_ids = [
  else {

    /** @var \Drupal\commerce_product\ProductVariationStorageInterface $product_variation_storage */
    $product_variation_storage = $this->entityTypeManager

    // First, look for product variations referencing the given file.
    $results = $product_variation_storage
      ->condition('commerce_file.target_id', $file
    if (!$results) {
      return [];
    $product_variation_ids = array_keys($results);

  /** @var \Drupal\commerce_license\LicenseStorageInterface $license_storage */
  $license_storage = $this->entityTypeManager
  $results = $license_storage
    ->condition('type', 'commerce_file')
    ->condition('state', 'active')
    ->condition('product_variation', $product_variation_ids, 'IN')
    ->condition('uid', $account
  if (!$results) {
    return [];

  /** @var \Drupal\commerce_license\Entity\LicenseInterface[] $licenses */
  $this->licenses[$cache_key] = array_values($license_storage
  return $this->licenses[$cache_key];