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CommerceFedExEvents.php in Commerce FedEx 8


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namespace Drupal\commerce_fedex\Event;

 * Defines events for the Commerce FedEx module.
final class CommerceFedExEvents {

   * Name of the event fired to allow altering the rate request sent to FedEx.
   * @Event
   * @see \Drupal\commerce_fedex\Event\RateRequestEvent
  const BEFORE_RATE_REQUEST = 'commerce_fedex.before_rate_request';

   * Name of the event fired when altering the packer order items.
   * @todo Remove this event after it's rolled into commerce_shipping
   * @Event
   * @see \Drupal\commerce_fedex\Event\BeforePackEvent.php
  const BEFORE_PACK = 'commerce_fedex.before_pack';



Namesort descending Description
CommerceFedExEvents Defines events for the Commerce FedEx module.