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Default rule configurations for Commerce Email.

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 * @file
 * Default rule configurations for Commerce Email.

 * Implements hook_default_rules_configuration().
function commerce_email_default_rules_configuration() {

  // Store the customer profile entity info for use in default rules.
  $customer_profile_entity_info = entity_get_info('commerce_customer_profile');
  $rules = array();

  // Add a reaction rule to send order e-mail upon checkout completion.
  $rule = rules_reaction_rule();
  $rule->label = t('Send an order notification e-mail (HTML)');
  $rule->active = TRUE;
    ->action('variable_email_mail', array(
    'to:select' => 'commerce-order:mail',
    'variable' => 'commerce_email_order_[mail_part]',
    'language' => 'default',
  $rule->weight = 4;
  $rules['commerce_checkout_order_email_html'] = $rule;
  $rule = rules_reaction_rule();
  $rule->label = t('Send an order notification e-mail to administrator (HTML)');
  $rule->active = TRUE;
    ->action('variable_email_mail', array(
    'to:select' => 'site:mail',
    'variable' => 'commerce_email_admin_order_[mail_part]',
    'language' => 'default',
  $rule->weight = 4;
  $rules['commerce_checkout_admin_order_email_html'] = $rule;

   * Add rule for sending html email for account
  $rule = rules_reaction_rule();
  $rule->label = t('Create a new account for an anonymous order (HTML)');
  $rule->active = TRUE;
    ->condition('data_is', array(
    'data:select' => 'commerce-order:uid',
    'op' => '==',
    'value' => '0',
    ->condition(rules_condition('entity_exists', array(
    'type' => 'user',
    'property' => 'mail',
    'value:select' => 'commerce-order:mail',
    ->condition('data_is', array(
    'data:select' => 'commerce-order:type',
    'op' => '==',
    'value' => 'commerce_order',
    ->action('entity_create', array(
    'type' => 'user',
    'param_name:select' => 'commerce-order:mail-username',
    'param_mail:select' => 'commerce-order:mail',
    'entity_created:label' => t('Created account'),
    'entity_created:var' => 'account_created',
    ->action('data_set', array(
    'data:select' => 'account-created:status',
    'value' => 1,
    ->action('entity_save', array(
    'data:select' => 'account-created',
    'immediate' => 1,
    ->action('entity_query', array(
    'type' => 'user',
    'property' => 'mail',
    'value:select' => 'commerce-order:mail',
    'limit' => 1,
    'entity_fetched:label' => t('Fetched account'),
    'entity_fetched:var' => 'account_fetched',

  // Build a loop that send the account notification e-mail and updates the
  // order and customer profile uids with the uid from the fetched user account.
  $loop = rules_loop(array(
    'list:select' => 'account-fetched',
    'item:var' => 'user',
    'item:label' => t('Current list item'),
    'item:type' => 'user',
    ->action('variable_email_mail', array(
    'to:select' => 'user:mail',
    'variable' => 'commerce_email_account_[mail_part]',
    'language' => 'default',
    ->action('data_set', array(
    'data:select' => 'commerce-order:uid',
    'value:select' => 'user:uid',

  // Accommodate any profile types referenced by the order.
  foreach ($customer_profile_entity_info['bundles'] as $type => $data) {
      ->action('data_set', array(
      'data:select' => 'commerce-order:' . strtr('commerce-customer-' . $type, '_', '-') . ':uid',
      'value:select' => 'user:uid',

  // Add the loop to the rule as an action.

  // Adjust the weight so this rule executes after the one checking for a pre-
  // existing user account.
  $rule->weight = 2;
  $rules['commerce_email_new_account'] = $rule;
  return $rules;