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public function CurrencyOrderProcessor::process in Commerce Currency Resolver 8

Processes an order.


\Drupal\commerce_order\Entity\OrderInterface $order: The order.

Overrides OrderProcessorInterface::process


src/CurrencyOrderProcessor.php, line 51


Apply currency changes during the order refresh process.




public function process(OrderInterface $order) {

  // Skip processor if we should not refresh currency.
  if (!$this
    ->shouldCurrencyRefresh($order)) {

  // Get main currency.
  $resolved_currency = $this->currentCurrency

  // Get order total.
  // Triggered on event order load to ensure that new currency and prices
  // are properly saved.
  // @see \Drupal\commerce_currency_resolver\EventSubscriber\OrderCurrencyRefresh
  if (($total = $order
    ->getTotalPrice()) && $total
    ->getCurrencyCode() !== $resolved_currency) {

    // Get order items.
    $items = $order

    // Loop trough all order items and find ones without PurchasableEntity
    // They need to automatically converted.
    foreach ($items as $item) {

      /** @var \Drupal\commerce_order\Entity\OrderItem $item */
      if (!$item
        ->hasPurchasedEntity()) {
        $price = $item

        // Auto calculate price.
          ->priceConversion($price, $resolved_currency));

    // Last part is handling adjustments. We could hit here to
    // recalculateTotalPrice(), so it makes sense to run it last.
    $new_adjustments = [];
    $reset_adjustments = FALSE;

    // Handle custom adjustments.
    if ($adjustments = $order
      ->getAdjustments()) {
      foreach ($adjustments as $adjustment) {
        assert($adjustment instanceof Adjustment);
        $adjustment_currency = $adjustment

        // We should only dealt with locked adjustment.
        // Any non locked have their order processor implementation
        // probably.
        if ($adjustment
          ->isLocked() && $adjustment_currency !== $resolved_currency) {
          $reset_adjustments = TRUE;
          $adjustment_amount = $adjustment
          $values = $adjustment

          // Auto calculate price.
          $values['amount'] = $this->priceExchanger
            ->priceConversion($adjustment_amount, $resolved_currency);
          $new_adjustment = new Adjustment($values);
          $new_adjustments[] = $new_adjustment;

      // We have custom adjustments which need to be recalculated.
      if ($reset_adjustments) {

        // We need clear adjustments like that while using
        // $order->removeAdjustment() will trigger recalculateTotalPrice()
        // which will break everything, while currencies are different.
          ->set('adjustments', []);
        foreach ($new_adjustments as $new_adjustment) {

    // Flag for recalculating order. If we had custom adjustments for
    // conversion we already hit recalculateTotalPrice() with
    // $order->addAdjustment($new_adjustment), so no need again.
    if (!$reset_adjustments) {

      // Get new total price.
      $order = $order

    // Use as flag for our submodules order processors.
      ->setData(CurrencyHelper::CURRENCY_ORDER_REFRESH, TRUE);

    // Save order.