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commerce_coupon_user.module in Commerce Coupon 7.2

Provides coupon-to-user relationship for Commerce Coupon.


View source

 * @file
 * Provides coupon-to-user relationship for Commerce Coupon.

 * Implements hook_permission().
function commerce_coupon_user_permission() {
  $permissions = array();

  // Add "own" type permissions for all coupon types.
  foreach (commerce_coupon_get_types() as $type => $info) {
    $permissions['redeem received coupons of type ' . $type] = array(
      'title' => t('Redeem received %type coupon', array(
        '%type' => $info['label'],
    $permissions['redeem non user specific coupons of type ' . $type] = array(
      'title' => t('Redeem non-user-specific %type coupon', array(
        '%type' => $info['label'],
    $permissions['view received coupons of type ' . $type] = array(
      'title' => t('View received %type coupon', array(
        '%type' => $info['label'],
    $permissions['view non user specific coupons of type ' . $type] = array(
      'title' => t('View non-user-specific %type coupon', array(
        '%type' => $info['label'],
  return $permissions;

 * Implements hook_flush_caches().
function commerce_coupon_user_flush_caches() {

 * Implements hook_commerce_coupon_access_query_substitute().
function commerce_coupon_user_commerce_coupon_access_query_substitute($query, $base_table = NULL, $account = NULL) {
  global $user;

  // Read the account from the query if available or default to the current user.
  if (!isset($account) && !($account = $query
    ->getMetaData('account'))) {
    $account = $user;
  $tables =& $query

  // Read the base table from the query if available or default to the first
  // table in the query's tables array.
  if (!isset($base_table) && !($base_table = $query
    ->getMetaData('base_table'))) {

    // Assume that the base table is the first table if not set. It will result
    // in an invalid query if the first table is not the table we expect,
    // forcing the caller to actually properly pass a base table in that case.
    $base_table = key($tables);

  // Get the recipient table alias if it is already in the query.
  foreach ($tables as $alias => $table) {
    if ($table['table'] == 'field_data_commerce_coupon_recipient') {
      $recipient_table = $alias;
  if (!isset($recipient_table)) {
    $recipient_table = 'field_data_commerce_coupon_recipient';
    $join_condition = $recipient_table . '.commerce_coupon_recipient_target_id=:uid AND ' . $recipient_table . '.entity_id=' . $base_table . '.coupon_id';
      ->leftJoin($recipient_table, $recipient_table, $join_condition, array(
      ':uid' => $account->uid,

  // Do not apply any conditions for users with administrative view permissions.
  if (user_access('administer commerce_coupon entities', $account) || user_access('view any commerce_coupon entity', $account)) {

  // Get the entity type info array for the current access check and prepare a
  // conditions object.
  $conditions = db_or();

  // Perform bundle specific permission checks for the specified entity type.
  $really_restricted = FALSE;
  foreach (commerce_coupon_get_types() as $bundle_name => $bundle_info) {

    // If the user has access to view entities of the current bundle...
    if (user_access('view any commerce_coupon entity of bundle ' . $bundle_name, $account)) {

      // Add a condition granting access if the entity specified by the view
      // query is of the same bundle.
        ->condition($base_table . '.type', $bundle_name);
    else {
      $really_restricted = TRUE;

      // "View own coupon of type"
      if ($account->uid && user_access('view own commerce_coupon entities of bundle ' . $bundle_name, $account)) {

        // Add an AND condition group that grants access if the entity specified
        // by the view query matches the same bundle and belongs to the user.
          ->condition($base_table . '.type', $bundle_name)
          ->condition($base_table . '.uid', $account->uid));

      // "View received coupon of type"
      if (isset($recipient_table)) {
        if ($account->uid && user_access('view received coupons of type ' . $bundle_name, $account)) {
            ->condition($base_table . '.type', $bundle_name)
            ->condition($recipient_table . '.commerce_coupon_recipient_target_id', $account->uid));

        // "View non-user-specific coupon of type"
        if (user_access('view non user specific coupons of type ' . $bundle_name, $account)) {
            ->condition($base_table . '.type', $bundle_name)
            ->condition($recipient_table . '.commerce_coupon_recipient_target_id', NULL));

  // No further conditions need to be added to the query if we determined above
  // that the user has an administrative view permission for any entity of the
  // type and bundles represented by the query.
  if (!$really_restricted) {

  // Perform 'view own' access control for the entity in the query if the user
  // is authenticated.
  if ($account->uid && user_access('view own commerce_coupon entities', $account)) {
      ->condition($base_table . '.uid', $account->uid);

  // Prepare an array of condition alter hooks to invoke and an array of context
  // data for the current query.
  $hooks = array(
  $context = array(
    'account' => $account,
    'entity_type' => 'commerce_coupon',
    'base_table' => $base_table,

  // Allow other modules to add conditions to the array as necessary.
  drupal_alter($hooks, $conditions, $context);

  // If we have more than one condition based on the entity access permissions
  // and any hook implementations...
  if (count($conditions)) {

    // Add the conditions to the query.
  else {

    // Otherwise, since we don't have any possible conditions to match against,
    // we falsify this query. View checks are access grants, not access denials.
      ->where('1 = 0');
  return $query;

 * Implements hook_commerce_coupon_access_redeem().
function commerce_coupon_user_commerce_coupon_access_redeem($coupon, $account = NULL) {
  return commerce_coupon_user_received_coupon_access('redeem', $coupon, $account = NULL);

 * Implements hook_commerce_coupon_access_view().
function commerce_coupon_user_commerce_coupon_access_view($coupon, $account = NULL) {
  return commerce_coupon_user_received_coupon_access('view', $coupon, $account = NULL);

 * Evaluate access per operation for coupons based on user-coupon permissions.
 * @param string $op
 *  Either "view" or "redeem"
 * @param object $coupon
 *  Commerce coupon entity
 * @param object $account
 *  User entity
 * @return bool
function commerce_coupon_user_received_coupon_access($op, $coupon, $account = NULL) {
  if (user_access($op . ' coupons of type ' . $coupon->type) || user_access('redeem any coupon')) {
    return TRUE;
  $coupon_wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper('commerce_coupon', $coupon);

  // If the coupon does not specify a recipient and the user is allowed to
  // redeem non-user-specific coupons of this type:
  if (!$coupon_wrapper->commerce_coupon_recipient
    ->value() && user_access($op . ' non user specific coupons of type ' . $coupon->type)) {
    return TRUE;
  else {
    if (user_access($op . ' received coupons of type ' . $coupon->type)) {
      if (!$account) {
        global $user;
      else {
        $user = $account;

      // Evaluate "received coupon" permissions.
      if ($coupon_wrapper->commerce_coupon_recipient
        ->value() && $coupon_wrapper->commerce_coupon_recipient
        ->raw() == $user->uid) {
        return TRUE;

 * Implements hook_commerce_coupon_coupon_entity_form_alter().
function commerce_coupon_user_commerce_coupon_coupon_entity_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $coupon) {
  $lang = field_language('commerce_coupon', $coupon, 'commerce_coupon_recipient');
  if (!empty($form['commerce_coupon_fields']['commerce_coupon_recipient'][$lang])) {
    foreach (element_children($form['commerce_coupon_fields']['commerce_coupon_recipient'][$lang]) as $delta) {
      $default_value =& $form['commerce_coupon_fields']['commerce_coupon_recipient'][$lang][$delta]['target_id']['#default_value'];
      if ($default_value == 'Anonymous (0)') {

        // It is important to actually keep this field empty, even if the user
        // chose anonymous for some reason.
        $default_value = '';