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public function CommerceCouponTest::testCommerceCouponUICartForm in Commerce Coupon 7.2


./commerce_coupon.test, line 242
Commerce Coupon tests.


Testing commerce coupon UI and functionality.


public function testCommerceCouponUICartForm() {

  // Login as administrator and add the field to the footer of the cart View.
  $view = views_get_view('commerce_cart_form');
    ->add_item('default', 'footer', 'commerce_order', 'coupon_cart_form');

  // Create a cart order and ensure we can see the code form on the cart
  // management page.
    ->createDummyOrder($this->store_admin->uid, array(
    $this->product->product_id => 1,
  ), $status = 'cart');
    ->assertFieldByName('coupon_code', NULL, 'Coupon code field is present on cart management page.');
    ->assertFieldByName('coupon_add', NULL, 'Coupon add submit button is present on cart management page.');

  // Test coupon code validation.
    ->drupalPost(NULL, array(), t('Add coupon'));
    ->assertText(t('Please enter a coupon code.'), 'Validation message for missing code.');

  // Load a fresh form.
  $values = array(
    'coupon_code' => 'BLAH',
    ->drupalPost(NULL, $values, t('Add coupon'));
    ->assertText(t('Please enter a valid coupon code.'), 'Validation message for code that doesn\'t exist.');

  // Create a discount and add a coupon to it. Test it applies correctly.
  $discount = $this
    ->createDiscount('order_discount', 'fixed_amount', 300);
  $coupon = commerce_coupon_create('discount_coupon');
  $coupon->code = 'HALF OFF';
  $coupon->commerce_discount_reference['und'][0]['target_id'] = $discount->discount_id;

  // Load a fresh form.
  $values = array(
    'coupon_code' => 'HALF OFF',
    ->drupalPost(NULL, $values, t('Add coupon'));
    ->assertText(t('Coupon code applied.'), 'Coupon applied message for valid code.');

  // Load a fresh form and try to apply the same code with a trailing space.
  $values = array(
    'coupon_code' => 'HALF OFF ',
    ->drupalPost(NULL, $values, t('Add coupon'));
    ->assertText(t('The coupon you have entered has already been applied to your order'), 'Coupon applied message for valid code.');