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public function CommerceCouponTest::testCommerceCouponUIAccessCouponsListing in Commerce Coupon 7.2

Access to commerce discounts admin.


./commerce_coupon.test, line 172
Commerce Coupon tests.


Testing commerce coupon UI and functionality.


public function testCommerceCouponUIAccessCouponsListing() {

  // Login with customer.

  // Check the access to the profiles listing.
    ->assertResponse(403, 'The store customer has no access to coupon administration.');

  // Login with store admin.

  // Check the access to the profiles listing.
    ->assertResponse(200, 'The store admin has access to coupon administration.');

  // Check the add customer profile link.
    ->assertRaw(l(t('Create Coupon'), 'admin/commerce/coupons/add'), "'Create Coupon' link is present in the page");