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README.txt in Commerce Cart Expiration 7


This module provides a time-based cart expiration feature.


- Drupal Commerce ( 7.x-1.0 or newer
- Rules ( 7.x-2.0 or newer
- Token ( 7.x-1.0 or newer

Installation / Configuration

The module provides a default rule that can be configured from the Rules
administration screen, located at: admin/config/workflow/rules
(rules_admin must be enabled)

If you want to change the default rule configuration, you need to implement the
hook_default_rules_configuration_alter() and override the current configuration.


 * Implements hook_default_rules_configuration_alter().
function HOOK_default_rules_configuration_alter(&$configs) {
  if (isset($configs['commerce_cart_expiration_delete_expired_carts'])) {
    foreach ($configs['commerce_cart_expiration_delete_expired_carts']->actions() as $action) {
      if ($action->getElementName() == 'commerce_cart_expiration_delete_orders') {
        $action->settings['interval'] = 3600;

The module also provides a block which displays the time remaining. Its
content gets refreshed by javascript just like a countdown.
To show up the block, add the 'Cart expiration' block to your prefered
region under admin/structure/block.
You can configure this blocks content on the block configuration page. Use the
token [commerce-order:expiration-formatted] to get a format that can be
manipulated by javascript.

If the user has the permission 'Ajax order expiration', javascript will delete
the cart automatically as soon as the cart expired. This makes cart expiration
independent from cron if the customer has javascript enabled.
After a successful ajax deletion the customer gets redirected to 'cart/expired'.
You can set the content of that page at: admin/commerce/config/commerce_cart_expiration

There is also a screencast available which shows you how to use this module:

Drush integration

This module provides a Drush ( command for
deleting expired cart orders.
Use 'drush help commerce-cart-expiration-clean-orders' for more information.


Developed and maintained by Andrei Mateescu (amateescu) -


jgalletta -
Pedro Cambra (pcambra) -


View source
  1. Description
  2. ===========
  3. This module provides a time-based cart expiration feature.
  4. Requirements
  5. ============
  6. - Drupal Commerce ( 7.x-1.0 or newer
  7. - Rules ( 7.x-2.0 or newer
  8. - Token ( 7.x-1.0 or newer
  9. Installation / Configuration
  10. ============================
  11. The module provides a default rule that can be configured from the Rules
  12. administration screen, located at: admin/config/workflow/rules
  13. (rules_admin must be enabled)
  14. If you want to change the default rule configuration, you need to implement the
  15. hook_default_rules_configuration_alter() and override the current configuration.
  16. Example:
  17. /**
  18. * Implements hook_default_rules_configuration_alter().
  19. */
  20. function HOOK_default_rules_configuration_alter(&$configs) {
  21. if (isset($configs['commerce_cart_expiration_delete_expired_carts'])) {
  22. foreach ($configs['commerce_cart_expiration_delete_expired_carts']->actions() as $action) {
  23. if ($action->getElementName() == 'commerce_cart_expiration_delete_orders') {
  24. $action->settings['interval'] = 3600;
  25. }
  26. }
  27. }
  28. }
  29. The module also provides a block which displays the time remaining. Its
  30. content gets refreshed by javascript just like a countdown.
  31. To show up the block, add the 'Cart expiration' block to your prefered
  32. region under admin/structure/block.
  33. You can configure this blocks content on the block configuration page. Use the
  34. token [commerce-order:expiration-formatted] to get a format that can be
  35. manipulated by javascript.
  36. If the user has the permission 'Ajax order expiration', javascript will delete
  37. the cart automatically as soon as the cart expired. This makes cart expiration
  38. independent from cron if the customer has javascript enabled.
  39. After a successful ajax deletion the customer gets redirected to 'cart/expired'.
  40. You can set the content of that page at: admin/commerce/config/commerce_cart_expiration
  41. There is also a screencast available which shows you how to use this module:
  43. Drush integration
  44. =================
  45. This module provides a Drush ( command for
  46. deleting expired cart orders.
  47. Use 'drush help commerce-cart-expiration-clean-orders' for more information.
  48. Maintainers
  49. ===========
  50. Developed and maintained by Andrei Mateescu (amateescu) -
  51. Credits
  52. =======
  53. jgalletta -
  54. Pedro Cambra (pcambra) -