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public function BulkVariationsCreatorInterface::getAttributesCombinations in Commerce Bulk 8

Gets all ids combinations of the commerce_product's attribute fields.


array $variations: The commerce product variations.

array $return: (optional) Whether to return all attributes combinations or just ~ 500.

Return value

array|null An array of used combinations, not used combinations and their number, last variation, variation attributes ids and options:

  • "last_variation": The variation on the last inline entity form array.
  • "used_combinations": The already used combinations.
  • "not_used_combinations": Yet not used combinations.
  • "count": The number of all combinations.
  • "attributes": An array with attributes ids and options:
    • "ids": The array of field_name => id pairs.
    • "options": The array of id => field_label pairs.
  • "duplicated": The number of duplicated combinations.
  • "used": The number of used combinations.
  • "not_all": The maximum number of combinations to return.
1 method overrides BulkVariationsCreatorInterface::getAttributesCombinations()
BulkVariationsCreator::getAttributesCombinations in src/BulkVariationsCreator.php
Gets all ids combinations of the commerce_product's attribute fields.


src/BulkVariationsCreatorInterface.php, line 271


Manages variation combinations creation.




public function getAttributesCombinations(array $variations, array $return = [
  'not_all' => 500,