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Functions in Commerce Braintree 7.2

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
commerce_braintree_payment_session_load ./commerce_braintree.module Get the "card on file" choice (reuse a card, which card or new card) in a session variable. 2
commerce_braintree_payment_session_save ./commerce_braintree.module Saves the "card on file" choice (reuse a card, which card or new card). 1
commerce_braintree_price_amount ./commerce_braintree.module Formats a price amount into a decimal value as expected by Braintree. 2
commerce_braintree_refund_access ./commerce_braintree.module Access callback for refunding orders. 1
commerce_braintree_refund_form includes/ Form callback: allows the user to issue a refund on a prior transaction. 1
commerce_braintree_refund_form_submit includes/ Submit handler: process a Braintree transaction refund.
commerce_braintree_refund_form_validate includes/ Validate handler: check the refund amount before attempting refund request.
commerce_braintree_requirements ./commerce_braintree.install Implements hook_requirements().
commerce_braintree_settings_form ./commerce_braintree.module Payment method callback: Braintree Transparent Redirect settings form. 1 2
commerce_braintree_settle_access ./commerce_braintree.module Access callback for submitting transactions for settlement. 1
commerce_braintree_settle_form includes/ Form callback: allows the user to submit a transaction for settlement. 1
commerce_braintree_settle_form_submit includes/ Submit handler: submit the transaction for settlement.
commerce_braintree_settle_form_validate includes/ Validate handler: validate the settlement values.
commerce_braintree_transaction_status ./commerce_braintree.module Decides the appropriate commerce payment transaction status. 2
commerce_braintree_tr_process_transaction ./commerce_braintree.module Processes a Transparent Redirect transaction after the customer has returned. 1
commerce_braintree_tr_redirect_form ./commerce_braintree.module Payment method callback: Braintree Transparent Redirect form. 1
commerce_braintree_tr_redirect_form_validate ./commerce_braintree.module Payment method callback: Braintree Transparent Redirect form validation. 1
commerce_braintree_update_card ./commerce_braintree.module Menu callback. Get the query from Braintree when updating a credit card. 1
commerce_braintree_void_access ./commerce_braintree.module Access callback for voiding Braintree transactions. 1
commerce_braintree_void_form includes/ Form callback: allows the user to void a transaction. 1
commerce_braintree_void_form_submit includes/ Submit handler: process the void request.
hook_commerce_braintree_build_transaction_message_alter ./commerce_braintree.api.php Allows other modules to alter the transaction message.
hook_commerce_braintree_dropin_sale_data_alter modules/commerce_braintree_dropin/commerce_braintree_dropin.api.php Allows other modules to alter the sale data before it is submitted to Braintree
hook_commerce_braintree_transaction_error_alter ./commerce_braintree.api.php Allows other modules to alter the transaction error before it's displayed to a user.
_commerce_braintree_commerce_payment_checkout_custom_validation ./commerce_braintree.module Callback. Custom checkout payement validation. 1
_commerce_braintree_default_process_transaction ./commerce_braintree.module Process the actual Braintree transaction. 1
_commerce_braintree_get_transaction_informations ./commerce_braintree.module Prepare data that will be sent during a Braintree transaction. 2


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