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README.txt in Commerce Braintree 8

Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 7.3 README.txt
  2. 7.2 README.txt

Drupal 8.x (
Commerce 2.x (
Commerce Braintree module (
Braintree Merchant Account (


1. Download, install, and enable the following to your sites modules directory.
	for more instructions on how to install dependencies with composer in Drupal 8

	With Composer instalation of any module and automatic download of libraries is done with command "composer require drupal/module_name"
	composer require drupal/commerce_braintree

	Enable Braintree module - Extend

	Add Braintree as Payment gateway - Commerce > Configuration > Payment > Payment gateways > Add Paymentgateway

2. To proceede to next step you will need Braintree merchant account

  Create or gather your Braintree website login credentials.

    a. Create a sandbox account for testing via

    b. Create a production account for going live via

 Log into Braintree using either the production or sandbox login options
     to get you API keys for this module.

     Gather the following credentials by visiting Account > My User > View API Keys.
     Click on the 1st (and likely only) public key link to view the key details.
     Note: The order they are displayed does not match the order they are entered
           in Drupal. Pay attention! :)

     * Merchant ID
     * Public key
     * Private key

     Next, you'll need the Merchant account ID (not the same as Merchant ID above).
     You can find this by going to  Account > Merchant Account Info

     Merchant account ID's are tied to currencies and should match the
     currencies you have enabled on your Drupal Commerce store. If you only have one
     currency then grab the only Merchant account ID listed in Braintree.
     Otherwise, make sure you match these up correctly.

     To create new Merchant account ID go to Account > Merchant Account Info > New Merchant Account

Enable Payment Methods

	To enable PayPal Payment Method go to Settings > Processing Options and toggle the switch

Select Payment method types you want to be available in your store

	 Credit card
	 PayPal Express
	 PayPal Credit


To test your implementation, add a product to your cart, proceed thorough checkout
and enter a credit card. We recommend using a sandbox account for this before
attempting to go live. If you're using a sandbox account, you can use the following
credit card to test a transaction

###### Visa Card
Credit Card #: 4111 1111 1111 1111
Expiration Date: Any 4 digit expiration greater than today's date
CVC (if enabled): Any 3 digit code

###### Master Card
Credit Card #: 5555555555554444
Expiration Date: Any 4 digit expiration greater than today's date
CVC (if enabled): Any 3 digit code

###### American Express
Credit Card #: 378282246310005
Expiration Date: Any 4 digit expiration greater than today's date
CVC (if enabled): Any 3 digit code

###### Discover
Credit Card #: 6011000991300009
Expiration Date: Any 4 digit expiration greater than today's date
CVC (if enabled): Any 3 digit code

Note about currencies

You must configure your Braintree account on the Braintree website to accept all
currencies that your Commerce store accepts.

If you do not do this, Commerce orders will be charged at the default currency of your
Braintree account regardless of what currency is shown in your store (for example,
if a product in your store has a price of 10,000 JPY, but your Braintree account is only
set up to handle USD, then the price charged to your customers will be 10,000 USD,
not 10,000 JPY).

You can learn more about currency handling on the Braintree website:

Note about credit card types
As per Braintree documentation found in here -
Braintree’s US merchant accounts bundle Visa, Mastercard, Discover, JCB, and
sometimes American Express as the default accepted payment types. Most of
Braintree’s international merchant accounts bundle Visa and Mastercard as the
default accepted payment types. If you need to enable more credit card types you
have to raise a support request with Braintree


View source
  1. Requirements
  2. ============
  3. Drupal 8.x (
  4. Commerce 2.x (
  5. Commerce Braintree module (
  6. Braintree Merchant Account (
  7. Installation
  8. ============
  9. 1. Download, install, and enable the following to your sites modules directory.
  10. Check
  11. for more instructions on how to install dependencies with composer in Drupal 8
  12. With Composer instalation of any module and automatic download of libraries is done with command "composer require drupal/module_name"
  13. composer require drupal/commerce_braintree
  14. Enable Braintree module - Extend
  15. (admin/modules)
  16. Add Braintree as Payment gateway - Commerce > Configuration > Payment > Payment gateways > Add Paymentgateway
  17. (admin/commerce/config/payment-gateways)
  18. 2. To proceede to next step you will need Braintree merchant account
  19. Create or gather your Braintree website login credentials.
  21. a. Create a sandbox account for testing via
  23. b. Create a production account for going live via
  25. Log into Braintree using either the production or sandbox login options
  26. to get you API keys for this module.
  27. Gather the following credentials by visiting Account > My User > View API Keys.
  28. Click on the 1st (and likely only) public key link to view the key details.
  29. Note: The order they are displayed does not match the order they are entered
  30. in Drupal. Pay attention! :)
  31. * Merchant ID
  32. * Public key
  33. * Private key
  34. Next, you'll need the Merchant account ID (not the same as Merchant ID above).
  35. You can find this by going to Account > Merchant Account Info
  36. Merchant account ID's are tied to currencies and should match the
  37. currencies you have enabled on your Drupal Commerce store. If you only have one
  38. currency then grab the only Merchant account ID listed in Braintree.
  39. Otherwise, make sure you match these up correctly.
  40. To create new Merchant account ID go to Account > Merchant Account Info > New Merchant Account
  41. Enable Payment Methods
  42. To enable PayPal Payment Method go to Settings > Processing Options and toggle the switch
  43. Select Payment method types you want to be available in your store
  44. Credit card
  45. PayPal Express
  46. PayPal Credit
  47. Testing
  48. =======
  49. To test your implementation, add a product to your cart, proceed thorough checkout
  50. and enter a credit card. We recommend using a sandbox account for this before
  51. attempting to go live. If you're using a sandbox account, you can use the following
  52. credit card to test a transaction
  53. ###### Visa Card
  54. Credit Card #: 4111 1111 1111 1111
  55. Expiration Date: Any 4 digit expiration greater than today's date
  56. CVC (if enabled): Any 3 digit code
  57. ###### Master Card
  58. Credit Card #: 5555555555554444
  59. Expiration Date: Any 4 digit expiration greater than today's date
  60. CVC (if enabled): Any 3 digit code
  61. ###### American Express
  62. Credit Card #: 378282246310005
  63. Expiration Date: Any 4 digit expiration greater than today's date
  64. CVC (if enabled): Any 3 digit code
  65. ###### Discover
  66. Credit Card #: 6011000991300009
  67. Expiration Date: Any 4 digit expiration greater than today's date
  68. CVC (if enabled): Any 3 digit code
  69. Note about currencies
  70. =====================
  71. You must configure your Braintree account on the Braintree website to accept all
  72. currencies that your Commerce store accepts.
  73. If you do not do this, Commerce orders will be charged at the default currency of your
  74. Braintree account regardless of what currency is shown in your store (for example,
  75. if a product in your store has a price of 10,000 JPY, but your Braintree account is only
  76. set up to handle USD, then the price charged to your customers will be 10,000 USD,
  77. not 10,000 JPY).
  78. You can learn more about currency handling on the Braintree website:
  80. Note about credit card types
  81. ============================
  82. As per Braintree documentation found in here -
  83. Braintree’s US merchant accounts bundle Visa, Mastercard, Discover, JCB, and
  84. sometimes American Express as the default accepted payment types. Most of
  85. Braintree’s international merchant accounts bundle Visa and Mastercard as the
  86. default accepted payment types. If you need to enable more credit card types you
  87. have to raise a support request with Braintree