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Functions in Drupal Commerce Connector for AvaTax 7.5

Primary tabs

Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
commerce_avatax_rules_action_info ./ Implements hook_rules_action_info().
commerce_avatax_set_existing_line_item_price ./commerce_avatax.module Updates the unit price of the Avatax line item if it exists. 1
commerce_avatax_set_price_component ./commerce_avatax.module Sets a tax price component to the provided line item. 2
commerce_avatax_shipping_settings_form includes/ Builds the AvaTax Shipping settings form. 1
commerce_avatax_tax_calculation_enabled ./commerce_avatax.module Determines if the tax calculation is enabled. 3
commerce_avatax_theme ./commerce_avatax.module Implements hook_theme().
commerce_avatax_uninstall ./commerce_avatax.install Implements hook_uninstall().
commerce_avatax_validate_address includes/ Validate the address entered on checkout form. 1
commerce_avatax_validate_shipping_address_ajax_callback ./commerce_avatax.module Custom Ajax callback for setting up address validation popup. 1
commerce_avatax_void_codes_list ./commerce_avatax.module Options list callback for the commerce_avatax_void_transaction() rules condition. 1
commerce_avatax_void_transaction ./commerce_avatax.module VOID AvaTax transaction for $order. 1
hook_commerce_avatax_create_transaction_alter ./commerce_avatax.api.php Allows modules to alter the create transaction request before its sent to the Avatax API.
theme_commerce_avatax_address ./commerce_avatax.module Format address array to be used in the address suggestion form.
_commerce_avatax_configure_tax_code_field ./commerce_avatax.install Configure the "tax code" field. 1
_commerce_avatax_configure_tax_exemption_field ./commerce_avatax.install Helper function : Configure the tax exemption field on users. 1
_commerce_avatax_configure_vat_id_field ./commerce_avatax.install Helper function : Configure the VAT ID field. 1
_commerce_avatax_rules_order_parameter_info ./ Helper function that returns the order parameter. 1
_commerce_avatax_transaction_add_lines includes/ Returns the transaction "lines" that needs to be sent to the API. 1
_commerce_avatax_transaction_get_customer_code includes/ Helper function used to determine the customerCode sent. 1
_commerce_avatax_transaction_get_ship_from includes/ Returns the shipFrom address for a transaction. 1
_commerce_avatax_transaction_get_ship_to includes/ Returns the shipTo address for a transaction. 1


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