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README.txt in Drupal Commerce Connector for AvaTax 7.3

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  1. $Id: README.txt, version 3.0 2013/04/15 18:00:00 adTumbler Exp $
  3. ============
  4. The AvaTax SDK supplied with this module is NOT PROVIDED under the same GNU terms of the Drupal Commerce Connector for AvaTax Calc™ module.
  5. You are expressly not authorized to copy or distribute any part of the Avalara, Inc proprietary software property.
  6. For terms of service - please refer AvaTax.txt
  7. For use of the AvaTax SDK - refer -
  9. ============
  10. The Drupal Commerce Connector for AvaTax Calc™ (AvaTax) is a Drupal compliant module that integrates the Drupal Commerce check-out process with AvaTax from Avalara, Inc for the management of sales tax calculations and sales tax compliance. AvaTax reduces the audit risk to a company with a cloud-based sales tax services that makes it simple to do rate calculation while managing exemption certificates, filing forms and remitting payments.
  11. The module supports two modes - Basic or Pro - which correspond to the two levels of service available for AvaTax.
  12. The AvaTax Basic service offers limited use of the AvaTax sales tax codes, in particular P0000000 for Personal Taxable goods, Shipping tax codes and NT for Not Taxable goods.
  13. The AvaTax Pro service offeres full use of the AvaTax sales tax codes. The pro service is required for states like New York were sales tax rates can be based on the type of product, the delivery address, and the time of year.
  14. Sales Tax is calculated based on the delivery address, the sales tax codes assigned to line item in the order, and the sales tax rules applicable to the states in which nexus has been set up.
  15. The AvaTax cloud service is managed using the AvaTax dasboard. Access to a full functional development account is provided after registration on the Avalara web site.
  16. AvaTax Development service:
  17. AvaTax Production service:
  18. Version 3.0 of the module is compatible with Drupal 7.x and has been tested with Drupal Commerce 1.6
  20. ============
  21. a) The Web Server must be configured to support SOAP
  22. The module install file will check for SOAP and report the result to the Administrator Status report. Administrators are requested to check the Status report after enabling the module to ensure SOAP is showing as enabled for AvaTax
  23. b) We strongly recommend that you do NOT try and automate sales tax transaction updates until after the module has been installed, and the administrator has become familiar with the modules functionality.
  24. NB: This SAMPLE CODE allows the module to be extended to support sales order processing integration. Please read the support forum post on this topic prior to attempting to use this feature.
  26. c) AvaTax SDK - PHP Libraries
  27. The AvaTax SDK class libraries must be included as described in the installation notes below.
  28. The module is supplied with a pre-configured credentials file and license key - refer credentials.php - Using the module in "Development" mode will allow the module to connect to the development account provided.
  29. Please note the 120 development transaction limit. Contact us if additional resource is required!
  31. =================
  32. Installing the module is done in the same way as any custom Drupal Commerce module
  33. a) Unzip & copy the folder "commerce_avatax" to the location shown below - or in accordance with your Drupal Commerce configuration.
  34. yoursite/sites/all/modules/commerce_avatax
  35. b) The classes folder is supplied as a sub directory and must remain there.
  36. yoursite/sites/all/modules/commerce_avatax/classes
  37. c) Enable the two modules (AvaTax Calc & AvaTax UI) in the normal way for any Drupal module.
  38. The two modules appear in the group Commerce AvaTax Calc
  39. d) Select Reports -> Status Report: Make sure you can see "SOAP" & "Enabled for AvaTax Calc"
  41. =============
  42. a) Select Store -> Configuration -> AvaTax Calc
  43. Complete the information requested after reading the following notes.
  44. Save the form - AvaTax Calc - Sales Tax settings - on completion.
  45. 1) Select AvaTax Version: Select AvaTax Calc Basic or AvaTax Calc Pro according to your AvaTax Acount License. It is possible to use the Pro version of the module, with the Avatax basic service. This is done when setting up custom tax codes in AvaTax, and using the module to determine which sales tax codes to allocate to a line item.
  46. 2) Select Mode for AvaTax Pro: Please leave thed eafult value "not_set". Contact adTumbler - - to discuss the configuration of the AvaTax pro service. In particular the best way to set up a sales tax field for each product type. How it should be populated using a Taxonomy. The updates required to the pro include file. There is a minimum support fee of $230.00 for use of the module in Pro mode.
  47. 3) Company Code: The AvaTax company code is found in the AvaTax development account. Please make sure you have configured Nexus for the state of the web site being tested. You are encouraged to configure the Nexus according to your clients's requirements.
  48. 4) Select Development or Production: Only select Production if you have completed the GO LIVE process with Avalara and aded the AvaTax production account number and license key to the file - credentials.php
  49. 5) Limit AvaTax Calc to selected states: The module allows limiting sales tax calculations by AvaTax to explicity listed states. The default admininstrative option is for this field to be empty. This will result in all orders being sent to the AvaTax service on checkout. It is important that you consult with an accountant or sales tax advisor on your legal obligations to collect Sales Tax - known as Sales Tax Nexus. The module will co-exist with sales tax rates configured using the regular Drupal Commerce sales tax module.
  50. 6) Shipping Tax Code: FR020100 is the AvaTax sales tax code for shipping by public carrier (USPS, Fedex, etc)- without chnage to their rates - please refer to Avalara for the correct codes if you have a different shipping method or billing model. The module only caters for one shipping sales tax code. Please contact us if the store has multiple shipping models. The Pro version of the module can be extended to support these requirements.
  51. 7) Sales Tax Description: The description of the sales tax line item.
  52. 8) Select destination Address to use for Sales Tax: Select Shipping unless your site ONLY sells digital goods. Sales Tax regulations state that the delivery address of digital goods is the customers billing address. If your site sells both digital and physical goods, please select Shipping.
  53. If the site allows a combination of physical and digital goods on one order please contact adTumbler to discuss how to customize teh module to support this requirement.
  54. 9) Automatic updates to AvaTax doc status: Refer best practises - do not select YES until after you have processed your first transactions, and read up on best practises.
  55. 10) Primary Address: NB - Sales tax law requires that a sales tax transaction record the place from which good are shipped. This version of the module does not support Drop Shipments. However, the module will function correctly so long as a valid head office address is entered.
  56. You MUST enter a valid address in this section of the administrative form.
  57. 11) Use AvaTax Calc for Sales Tax Exemptions: This option has been included as a place holder only. It is STRONGLY suggested that you use the Avatax exemption management system to administer sales tax exemptions.
  59. ===================
  60. a) Delete or make inactive any Sales Tax rates configured for the states you will be collecting sales tax using the AvaTax service.
  61. b) There is no test connectivity button on the admin form yet. The best way to test connectivity is to process an order with a delivery address in a state where Nexus has been configured. Visually inspect the cart for inclusion of a sales tax amount after entering the shipping information and proceeding to Review Order.
  62. A SOAP error will (caused by an incorrectly configured account/license key) will be clearly displayed on the check out form.
  63. c) The sales tax transaction is created in the AvaTax cloud service at the same time Drupal Commerce allocates an order number to the order object. This is done in order to synchronize the Drupal Commerce order number with the AvaTax transaction.
  64. A separate line item is added to the Drupal Commerce Order for the sales tax amount.
  65. d) If creating orders using order administration, you are required to add the product lines, the shipping lines, enter a valid address and then save the order to allocate an order number. One this has been done, you can add a sales tax line item to teh order.
  66. e) If anything is updated on an order that can affect sales tax (address, quantity or price) we suggest that you make the chnages and delete the AvaTax line item. Save the order to refelect the updates. Then add a new sales tax line item to the order. AvaTax will recalculate the sales tax and write the new values into the original transaction. This assumes that the AvaTax entry has not been committed.
  67. f) The module is designed to co-exist with the Drupal Commerce sales tax module. Refer to the administrative configuration for use cases where AvaTax is used to manage sales tax for selected states only.
  69. ======================================================
  70. The computation of Sales Tax Rates and the Sales Tax Amount is determined by the configuration of the AvaTax account, in particular Nexus configuration.
  71. All Product line items default to the tax code - P0000000 - Personal Taxable Goods.
  72. The Discount coupon line item in the order defaults to the sales tax code - OD010000 - discount on Personal Taxable Goods.
  73. The Shipping product line item is defined by the sales tax administrator - default - FR020100 - Public Carrier at prices quoted.
  74. The AvaTax cloud service allows the creation of custom Tax Codes, Tax rules and the asignment (Items) of Drupal Commerce product codes to a sales tax code. Please refer to a sales tax advisor for sales tax compliance and to AvaTax for technical support.
  75. If you supply Taxable Products that are NOT Tangible Personal Property, you are required to set up your own Tax Codes and Tax Rules for these products. (See Pro service for use of AvaTax Tax Codes and Tax Rules) The Item function in the dashboard is used to map each taxable Product Code established in the Drupal Commerce calalog (that is NOT Tangible personal Property) to the Tax Code supporting it's tax rules and rates.
  76. If you supply Products that are EXEMPT of sales tax in SOME states you are required to set up your own Tax Codes and Tax Rules for these products. (See Pro service for use of AvaTax Tax Codes and Tax Rules) The Item function in the dashboard is used to map each EXEMPT Product Code established in the Drupal Commerce calalog to the Tax Code supporting it's tax rules and rates.
  77. NB: If you supply Products that are EXEMPT of sales tax in all states where you have Nexus (collect sales tax) you may use the Item function in the dashboard to map each EXEMPT Product Code established in the Drupal Commerce calalog to the AvaTax Tax Code - NT - Non Taxable Goods
  79. ====================================================
  80. The computation of Sales Tax Rates and the Sales Tax Amount is determined by the configuration of the AvaTax account, in particular Nexus configuration.
  81. The file - - starting at line 82 - has been commented to explain how a developer can customize the connector to select an AvaTax Sales Tax Code based on the Product Code in the Drupal Commerce Catalog.
  82. A Product Line NOT processed using the custom logic defined in the Pro version of the module will default to the tax code - P0000000 - Personal Taxable Goods.
  83. The Discount coupon line item in the order defaults to the sales tax code - OD010000 - discount on Personal Taxable Goods.
  84. The Shipping product line item is defined by the sales tax administrator - default - FR020100 - by Public Carrier
  85. If you supply Taxable Products that are NOT Tangible Personal Property, and DO have a matching AvaTax tax code, the Item function in the dashboard is used to map each taxable Product Code established in the Drupal Commerce calalog to the correct AvaTax Tax Code. Each AvaTax Tax Code is internally configured to apply the correct rates for all 50 states.
  86. If you supply Products that are EXEMPT of sales tax in some states, but not others, like digital goods - the Item function in the dashboard is used to map each EXEMPT Product Code established in the Drupal Commerce calalog to the correct AvaTax Tax Code. Each AvaTax Tax Code is internally configured to determine if an item is exempt in that state.
  87. The AvaTax dashboard allows the creation of custom Tax Codes, Tax rules and the asignment (Items) of Drupal Commerce product codes to the supported sales tax codes. Please refer to a sales tax advisor for compliance requirements determining a need for custom Tax Codes and Tax Rules, and to the Avatax training for technical support.
  89. ======================
  90. The Connector does NOT provide automated sales order processing integration with Drupal Commerce
  91. There are a number of ways to implement this, from manual administration (standard) to custom integration to integration with SAGE or Quickbooks using the AvaTax connectors they supply.
  92. Note: If an order is edited in Drupal Commerce, please check that you have not bypassed the sales tax calculation function in the order module. If you do bypass this function, the sales tax will not be correctly re-calculated and the AvaTax transaction updated.
  93. Note: If an order is cancelled in Drupal Commerce, it is suggested that the sales tax administrator void the transaction in AvaTax. It is also suggested that the order item is NOT deleted in Drupal Commerce. Although it is technically possible to delete an order from the database, there are sales tax compliance requirements to be considered.
  94. It is strongly suggested that a financial controller, accountant, or legal consultant is engaged to advise you about sales tax compliance.
  96. ====================================
  97. The file - credentials.php - requires an Avalara account number and the Avalara license key.
  98. The file is supplied pre-configured with a development profile, and a production profile. The development profile includes the development account number and license key for the adTumbler development Avatax account. The production profile is "blank" and must be populated in order to use the customers AvaTax account.
  99. NB: The production account number and license key will be supplied to the sales tax administrator after they have completed the Go Live training call with Avalara.
  100. To switch to production, make a copy of the file - credentials.php - add the customers account number and license key information where commented, and replace the old file with the updated file on the server.
  101. Select Store -> Configuration -> AvaTax Calc - Sales Tax settings
  102. a) Replace the Development Company Code provided with the development account, with the company code created for the production company
  103. b) Select 'Production' in the field: Select Development or Production
  104. Save the form.
  105. NB: Do check with the sales tax administrator that any custom tax codes, and Nexus configurations, created in the development account have been configured for the company created in the production account.
  106. It is suggested that customers set up two companies in their production AvaTax account - a test company for test transactions - and a production company for normal operations.
  108. ==================
  109. It is the responsibility of the site developer to handle the AvaTax error generated if the address fields are populated with invalid data by the user.
  110. The following address will generate an error:
  111. Street: Nowhere Street
  112. City: Nowhere City
  113. Zip: 99999
  114. AvaTax error: JurisdictionNotFoundError: Unable to determine the taxing jurisdictions.
  115. We will investigate integrating this capability of the AvaTax service into new customer account creation - where it might make betters sense, including correcting/extending the address where applicable.
  117. =============================
  118. Please make sure that any customization of the module, and the account number and license key in the credentials.php file are saved prior to installing V3 of the module.
  119. The AvaTax module stores data in the table called "variable"
  120. There is no upgrade from V1 or V2 of the sales tax module.
  121. V1 was implemented using a hook from the Sales Tax module. It did not create a sales tax line item. Sales tax data was saved as data elements in the product line item. Once the V1 modulke is removed it is possible that sales tax will not show correctly on old orders.
  122. V2 implemnted a custom sales tax line item based on the shipping module, and added a checkout page. The requirement for a sales tax check-out page has been removed in V3 at the request of web developers.
  123. DO NOT attempt to use a copy of teh AvaTax library supplied with an earlier version, with this version. It WILL cause a database error.
  124. DO NOT attempt to install this module with an earlier still installed. We apologize for the major architectural changes between versions and suggest that databases are backed up prior to an earlier version being uninstalled and the impact of existing orders assessed prior to implementing V3 of the module.
  125. Open Issues
  126. ===========
  127. 1) Refer Operation of Module - points d) and e) for correct way to manually create or update an order.
  128. 2) When using the Checkout Progress module. If a user reviews an order, the selects the shipping page link to go back (as opposed to selecting go back from the bottom of the check out page) there is a status bug in Checkout Shipping, that prevents the sales tax line from being recalculated if the shipping amount is changed.