You are here in Commerce add to cart confirmation 1.x

Provide views data for the Order module.

View source

 * @file
 * Provide views data for the Order module.

 * Implements hook_views_data().
function commerce_add_to_cart_confirmation_views_data() {
  $data['views']['commerce_add_to_cart_confirmation_order_other_count'] = [
    'title' => t('Order other total count'),
    'help' => t('Displays the order other total field, requires an Order ID argument.'),
    'area' => [
      'id' => 'commerce_add_to_cart_confirmation_order_other_count',
  $data['views']['commerce_add_to_cart_confirmation_order_item_order_total'] = [
    'title' => t('Order total for views with order item id argument'),
    'help' => t('Displays the order other total field, requires an Order Item ID argument.'),
    'area' => [
      'id' => 'commerce_add_to_cart_confirmation_order_item_order_total',
  return $data;