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namespace Drupal\commerce_store in Commerce Core 8.2

Classsort descending Location Description
CurrentStore modules/store/src/CurrentStore.php Holds a reference to the current store, resolved on demand.
CurrentStoreInterface modules/store/src/CurrentStoreInterface.php Holds a reference to the active store, resolved on demand.
SelectStoreTrait modules/store/src/SelectStoreTrait.php Provides a method for selecting the correct store for a purchasable entity.
StoreCreationTrait modules/store/src/StoreCreationTrait.php Provides methods to create stores and set the default store.
StoreListBuilder modules/store/src/StoreListBuilder.php Defines the list builder for stores.
StoreStorage modules/store/src/StoreStorage.php Defines the store storage.
StoreStorageInterface modules/store/src/StoreStorageInterface.php Defines the interface for store storage.
StoreTypeListBuilder modules/store/src/StoreTypeListBuilder.php Defines the list builder for store types.