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OrderItemPercentageOff.php in Commerce Core 8.2


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namespace Drupal\commerce_promotion\Plugin\Commerce\PromotionOffer;

use Drupal\commerce_order\Adjustment;
use Drupal\commerce_promotion\Entity\PromotionInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface;

 * Provides the percentage off offer for order items.
 * @CommercePromotionOffer(
 *   id = "order_item_percentage_off",
 *   label = @Translation("Percentage off each matching product"),
 *   entity_type = "commerce_order_item",
 * )
class OrderItemPercentageOff extends OrderItemPromotionOfferBase {
  use PercentageOffTrait;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function apply(EntityInterface $entity, PromotionInterface $promotion) {

    /** @var \Drupal\commerce_order\Entity\OrderItemInterface $order_item */
    $order_item = $entity;
    $percentage = $this
    if ($this->configuration['display_inclusive']) {

      // First, get the adjusted unit price to ensure the order item is not
      // already fully discounted.
      $adjusted_unit_price = $order_item

      // The adjusted unit price is already reduced to 0, no need to continue
      // further.
      if ($adjusted_unit_price
        ->isZero()) {

      // Display-inclusive promotions must first be applied to the unit price.
      $amount = $adjusted_unit_price
      $amount = $this->rounder
      $new_unit_price = $order_item
      $adjustment_amount = $amount
    else {
      $adjusted_total_price = $order_item
      $adjustment_amount = $adjusted_total_price
    $adjustment_amount = $this->rounder

    // Skip applying the promotion if there's no amount to discount.
    if ($adjustment_amount
      ->isZero()) {
      ->addAdjustment(new Adjustment([
      'type' => 'promotion',
      'label' => $promotion
        ->getDisplayName() ?: $this
      'amount' => $adjustment_amount
      'percentage' => $percentage,
      'source_id' => $promotion
      'included' => $this->configuration['display_inclusive'],



Namesort descending Description
OrderItemPercentageOff Provides the percentage off offer for order items.