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commerce_product.schema.yml in Commerce Core 8.2



View source
  1. commerce.commerce_condition.plugin.order_product:
  2. type: commerce_condition_configuration
  3. mapping:
  4. products:
  5. type: sequence
  6. label: 'Products'
  7. sequence:
  8. type: mapping
  9. mapping:
  10. product:
  11. type: uuid
  12. label: 'Product'
  13. commerce.commerce_condition.plugin.order_item_product:
  14. type: commerce.commerce_condition.plugin.order_product
  15. commerce.commerce_condition.plugin.order_product_category:
  16. type: commerce_condition_configuration
  17. mapping:
  18. terms:
  19. type: sequence
  20. label: 'Categories'
  21. orderby: value
  22. sequence:
  23. type: uuid
  24. label: 'Category'
  25. commerce.commerce_condition.plugin.order_item_product_category:
  26. type: commerce.commerce_condition.plugin.order_product_category
  27. commerce.commerce_condition.plugin.order_product_type:
  28. type: commerce_condition_configuration
  29. mapping:
  30. product_types:
  31. type: sequence
  32. label: 'Product types'
  33. orderby: value
  34. sequence:
  35. type: string
  36. label: 'Product type'
  37. commerce.commerce_condition.plugin.order_item_product_type:
  38. type: commerce.commerce_condition.plugin.order_product_type
  39. commerce.commerce_condition.plugin.order_variation_type:
  40. type: commerce_condition_configuration
  41. mapping:
  42. variation_types:
  43. type: sequence
  44. label: 'Product variation types'
  45. orderby: value
  46. sequence:
  47. type: string
  48. label: 'Product variation type'
  49. commerce.commerce_condition.plugin.order_item_variation_type:
  50. type: commerce.commerce_condition.plugin.order_variation_type
  51. commerce_product.commerce_product_type.*:
  52. type: commerce_config_entity_bundle
  53. label: 'Product type'
  54. mapping:
  55. description:
  56. type: text
  57. label: 'Description'
  58. variationType:
  59. type: string
  60. label: 'Variation type'
  61. multipleVariations:
  62. type: boolean
  63. label: 'Allow each product to have multiple variations'
  64. injectVariationFields:
  65. type: boolean
  66. label: 'Inject product variation fields into the rendered product'
  67. commerce_product.commerce_product_variation_type.*:
  68. type: commerce_config_entity_bundle
  69. label: 'Product variation type'
  70. mapping:
  71. orderItemType:
  72. type: string
  73. label: 'Order item type'
  74. generateTitle:
  75. type: boolean
  76. label: 'Generate variation titles based on attribute values'
  77. commerce_product.commerce_product_attribute.*:
  78. type: config_entity
  79. label: 'Product attribute'
  80. mapping:
  81. id:
  82. type: string
  83. label: 'ID'
  84. label:
  85. type: label
  86. label: 'Label'
  87. elementType:
  88. type: string
  89. label: 'Element type'
  90. field.formatter.settings.commerce_add_to_cart:
  91. type: mapping
  92. mapping:
  93. show_quantity:
  94. type: boolean
  95. label: 'Whether to display a quantity input field on the add to cart form.'
  96. default_quantity:
  97. type: string
  98. label: 'Default quantity'
  99. combine:
  100. type: boolean
  101. label: 'Whether to attempt to combine order items containing the same product variation'
  102. field.formatter.settings.commerce_product_attributes_overview:
  103. type: mapping
  104. mapping:
  105. attributes:
  106. type: sequence
  107. label: 'Attributes to render.'
  108. orderby: value
  109. sequence:
  110. type: string
  111. label: 'Attribute ID'
  112. view_mode:
  113. type: string
  114. label: 'View mode'
  115. field.widget.settings.commerce_product_variation_title:
  116. type: mapping
  117. label: 'Product variation title widget settings'
  118. mapping:
  119. label_display:
  120. type: boolean
  121. label: 'Label display'
  122. label_text:
  123. type: label
  124. label: 'Label text'
  125. hide_single:
  126. type: boolean
  127. label: 'Hide if there''s only one product variation'
  128. action.configuration.commerce_publish_product:
  129. type: action_configuration_default
  130. label: 'Configuration for the Publish product action'
  131. action.configuration.commerce_unpublish_product:
  132. type: action_configuration_default
  133. label: 'Configuration for the Unpublish product action'
  134. views.field.commerce_product_variation_view_link:
  135. type: views.field.entity_link
  136. views.filter.commerce_product_attribute_value:
  137. type: views.filter.in_operator
  138. label: 'Product attribute filter'