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PriceTest.php in Commerce Core 8.2


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namespace Drupal\Tests\commerce_price\Unit;

use Drupal\commerce_price\Price;
use Drupal\Tests\UnitTestCase;

 * Tests the Price class.
 * @coversDefaultClass \Drupal\commerce_price\Price
 * @group commerce
class PriceTest extends UnitTestCase {

   * The price.
   * @var \Drupal\commerce_price\Price
  protected $price;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function setUp() : void {
    $this->price = new Price('10', 'USD');

   * Tests creating a price from an invalid array.
   * ::covers __construct.
  public function testCreateFromInvalidArray() {
      ->expectExceptionMessage('Price::fromArray() called with a malformed array.');
    $price = Price::fromArray([]);

   * Tests creating a price from a valid array.
   * ::covers __construct.
  public function testCreateFromValidArray() {
    $price = Price::fromArray([
      'number' => '10',
      'currency_code' => 'USD',
      ->assertEquals('10', $price
      ->assertEquals('USD', $price
      ->assertEquals('10 USD', $price
      'number' => '10',
      'currency_code' => 'USD',
    ], $price

   * Tests creating a price with an invalid number.
   * ::covers __construct.
  public function testInvalidNumber() {
    $price = new Price('INVALID', 'USD');

   * Tests creating a price with an invalid currency code.
   * ::covers __construct.
  public function testInvalidCurrencyCode() {
      ->expectExceptionMessage('Invalid currency code "TEST".');
    $price = new Price('10', 'TEST');

   * Tests the methods for getting the number/currency code in various formats.
   * ::covers getNumber
   * ::covers getCurrencyCode
   * ::covers __toString
   * ::covers toArray.
  public function testGetters() {
      ->assertEquals('10', $this->price
      ->assertEquals('USD', $this->price
      ->assertEquals('10 USD', $this->price
      'number' => '10',
      'currency_code' => 'USD',
    ], $this->price

   * Tests addition with mismatched currencies.
   * ::covers add.
  public function testAddWithMismatchedCurrencies() {
      ->expectExceptionMessage('The provided prices have mismatched currencies: 10 USD, 5 EUR.');
      ->add(new Price('5', 'EUR'));

   * Tests subtraction with mismatched currencies.
   * ::covers subtract.
  public function testSubtractWithMismatchedCurrencies() {
      ->expectExceptionMessage('The provided prices have mismatched currencies: 10 USD, 4 EUR.');
      ->subtract(new Price('4', 'EUR'));

   * Tests the arithmetic methods.
   * ::covers add
   * ::covers subtract
   * ::covers multiply
   * ::covers divide.
  public function testArithmetic() {
    $result = $this->price
      ->add(new Price('5', 'USD'));
      ->assertEquals(new Price('15', 'USD'), $result);
    $result = $this->price
      ->subtract(new Price('5', 'USD'));
      ->assertEquals(new Price('5', 'USD'), $result);
    $result = $this->price
      ->assertEquals(new Price('50', 'USD'), $result);
    $result = $this->price
      ->assertEquals(new Price('1', 'USD'), $result);

   * Tests the comparison methods.
   * ::covers isPositive
   * ::covers isNegative
   * ::covers isZero
   * ::covers equals
   * ::covers greaterThan
   * ::covers greaterThanOrEqual
   * ::covers lessThan
   * ::covers lessThanOrEqual
   * ::covers compareTo.
  public function testComparison() {
    $negative_price = new Price('-10', 'USD');
    $zero_price = new Price('0', 'USD');
      ->equals(new Price('10', 'USD')));
      ->equals(new Price('15', 'USD')));
      ->greaterThan(new Price('5', 'USD')));
      ->greaterThan(new Price('10', 'USD')));
      ->greaterThan(new Price('15', 'USD')));
      ->greaterThanOrEqual(new Price('5', 'USD')));
      ->greaterThanOrEqual(new Price('10', 'USD')));
      ->greaterThanOrEqual(new Price('15', 'USD')));
      ->lessThan(new Price('15', 'USD')));
      ->lessThan(new Price('10', 'USD')));
      ->lessThan(new Price('5', 'USD')));
      ->lessThanOrEqual(new Price('15', 'USD')));
      ->lessThanOrEqual(new Price('10', 'USD')));
      ->lessThanOrEqual(new Price('5', 'USD')));



Namesort descending Description
PriceTest Tests the Price class.