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13 calls to Calculator::compare() in Commerce Core 8.2

BuyXGetY::apply in modules/promotion/src/Plugin/Commerce/PromotionOffer/BuyXGetY.php
Applies the offer to the given entity.
Calculator::ceil in modules/price/src/Calculator.php
Calculates the next highest whole value of a number.
Calculator::floor in modules/price/src/Calculator.php
Calculates the next lowest whole value of a number.
Calculator::round in modules/price/src/Calculator.php
Rounds the given number.
CalculatorTest::testComparison in modules/price/tests/src/Unit/CalculatorTest.php
@covers ::compare
CombinationOffer::apply in modules/promotion/src/Plugin/Commerce/PromotionOffer/CombinationOffer.php
Applies the offer to the given entity.
OrderRefresh::refresh in modules/order/src/OrderRefresh.php
Refreshes the given order.
Price::compareTo in modules/price/src/Price.php
Compares the current price with the given price.
Price::isNegative in modules/price/src/Price.php
Gets whether the current price is negative.
Price::isPositive in modules/price/src/Price.php
Gets whether the current price is positive.
Price::isZero in modules/price/src/Price.php
Gets whether the current price is zero.
Promotion::apply in modules/promotion/src/Entity/Promotion.php
Applies the promotion to the given order.
TaxRateResolver::resolve in modules/tax/tests/modules/commerce_tax_test/src/Resolver/TaxRateResolver.php
Resolves the tax rate for the given tax zone.