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PriceSplitterTest.php in Commerce Core 8.2


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namespace Drupal\Tests\commerce_order\Kernel;

use Drupal\commerce_order\Entity\Order;
use Drupal\commerce_order\Entity\OrderItem;
use Drupal\commerce_price\Price;

 * Tests the price splitter.
 * @coversDefaultClass \Drupal\commerce_order\PriceSplitter
 * @group commerce
class PriceSplitterTest extends OrderKernelTestBase {

   * A sample order.
   * @var \Drupal\commerce_order\Entity\OrderInterface
  protected $order;

   * The price splitter.
   * @var \Drupal\commerce_order\PriceSplitterInterface
  protected $splitter;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function setUp() : void {
    $user = $this
      'mail' => $this
        ->randomString() . '',
    $order = Order::create([
      'type' => 'default',
      'state' => 'draft',
      'mail' => $user
      'uid' => $user
      'ip_address' => '',
      'order_number' => '6',
      'store_id' => $this->store
    $this->order = $this
    $this->splitter = $this->container

   * @covers ::split
  public function testEmptyOrder() {

    // Confirm that the splitter can be run on orders with no items.
    $amounts = $this->splitter
      ->split($this->order, new Price('42', 'USD'), '50');
      ->assertEquals([], $amounts);
    $amounts = $this->splitter
      ->split($this->order, new Price('42', 'USD'));
      ->assertEquals([], $amounts);

   * @covers ::split
  public function testSplit() {

    // 6 x 3 + 6 x 3 = 36.
    $unit_price = new Price('6', 'USD');
    $order_items = $this
    ], 3);

    // Each order item should be discounted by half (9 USD).
    $amounts = $this->splitter
      ->split($this->order, new Price('18', 'USD'));
    $expected_amount = new Price('9', 'USD');
    foreach ($amounts as $amount) {
        ->assertEquals($expected_amount, $amount);

    // Same result with an explicit percentage.
    $amounts = $this->splitter
      ->split($this->order, new Price('18', 'USD'), '0.5');
    $expected_amount = new Price('9', 'USD');
    foreach ($amounts as $amount) {
        ->assertEquals($expected_amount, $amount);

    // 9.99 x 3 + 1.01 x 3 = 33.
    $first_unit_price = new Price('9.99', 'USD');
    $second_unit_price = new Price('1.01', 'USD');
    $order_items = $this
    ], 3);
    $amount = new Price('5', 'USD');
    $amounts = $this->splitter
      ->split($this->order, $amount);
    $first_expected_amount = new Price('4.54', 'USD');
    $second_expected_amount = new Price('0.46', 'USD');
      ->add($second_expected_amount), $amount);
    $amounts = array_values($amounts);
      ->assertEquals($first_expected_amount, $amounts[0]);
      ->assertEquals($second_expected_amount, $amounts[1]);

    // Split an amount that has a reminder.
    $unit_price = new Price('69.99', 'USD');
    $order_items = $this
    $amount = new Price('41.99', 'USD');
    $amounts = $this->splitter
      ->split($this->order, $amount, '0.3');
    $first_expected_amount = new Price('21.00', 'USD');
    $second_expected_amount = new Price('20.99', 'USD');
      ->add($second_expected_amount), $amount);
    $amounts = array_values($amounts);
      ->assertEquals($first_expected_amount, $amounts[0]);
      ->assertEquals($second_expected_amount, $amounts[1]);

   * Builds the order items for the given unit prices.
   * @param \Drupal\commerce_price\Price[] $unit_prices
   *   The unit prices.
   * @param string $quantity
   *   The quantity. Same for all items.
   * @return \Drupal\commerce_order\Entity\OrderItemInterface[]
   *   The order items.
  protected function buildOrderItems(array $unit_prices, $quantity = '1') {
    $order_items = [];
    foreach ($unit_prices as $unit_price) {
      $order_item = OrderItem::create([
        'type' => 'test',
        'unit_price' => $unit_price,
        'quantity' => $quantity,
      $order_items[] = $order_item;
    return $order_items;



Namesort descending Description
PriceSplitterTest Tests the price splitter.